ch 1 Family means everything

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A family is currently taking a ride to an unknown location at the moment. Inside the car is a married couple and a little girl. A petite slender girl currently sitting in the back seat is looking out the window. She has raven black hair and dark purple eyes, she also has earphone jacks attached to her ears. This girl is Kyoka Jiro

In the front seat a man with wavy shoulder-length light-gold hair and triangular eyes like his daughter. This man is Kyotoku Jiro, Kyokas father, an easygoing man with a passionate love for music

Next to him is raven black hair like her daughter and has bangs bangs falling on the right side of her face and wearing glasses. This is Mika Jiro, Kyokas mother, she is a lovely wife who also has a love for music. Although she doesn't say much she does play music and is really talented at it

They arrived at their location and Kyotoku and Mika started looking around. A nun came up to them and started talking to the parents while Kyoka looked around. She spotted a boy alone swinging while all the other kids avoid him. Mika noticed and crouched down to her level

Mika: "You can go and play if you want" she said to her daughter

Kyoka: "Really?" She asked not sure if she wanted to go

Mika: "Ofcourse if you need us well be inside but be careful ok" she said with a sweet smile

Kyoka nodded and ran towards the boy. The boy was extremely slender and had bruises on his arms and legs. His hair was completely white and dirty looking, as if he had been rolling on the ground. When she got near him and saw that his eye color was a nice shade of red. As she got closer to him he noticed her and he put his hand up stopping her

???: "Please stop. Don't get too close to me, I don't want you getting hurt" he said as he looked away

Kyoka: "Why would you hurt me?" She asked as she tilted her head

???: "My quirk is very dangerous and if I'm not careful with it, it can kill you" he said ashamed

Kyoka: "Oh I see. You have trouble controlling your quirk. Well what does your quirk do?" she asked

???: "It releases deadly toxins. That's why you have to stay away please" he said still not looking at her

Kyoka: "Have you hurts anyone with your quirk?" She asked getting a bit closer

???: ".... Only one person..... but it was in self defense I swear" he said as he finally looked at her

???: "I didn't know what to do, so I lashed out on him. But I had good reason he was a bad man" he explained with a bit of tears coming from his eyes

Kyoka: "... I believe you" she said

???: " Y-you do?" He asked in disbelief

Kyoka: "Yup. You don't come off as a bad person and you wouldn't have warned me to stay away if you were bad" she pointed out to the boy

???: "... Thank you. You're the first person to actually believe me and not call me a villain" he said as an accent started to come out

Kyoka: "What's with the accent. Are you not from Japan?" She asked starting to get closer to him

???: "Sorry I usually try to hide it. I'm from Italy originally, then I was dropped off here" he said to her

Kyoka: "What! Italy is like really far away! Why are you here and not there?" She said shocked at the new information

???: "My parents didn't want me around so they sent me here to be sure that they wouldn't see me" he said saddened

Kyoka: "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry into any information like that?" She said in regret

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