He grinned and looked to the three dorks standing near the doors waiting for us "We will catch up in a minute" he called to the others as he tugged me towards the table, both girls smiled as we approached and the blonde looked at me nodding her head.

"I hoped you would be back," she said, taking the paper from me as Sawyer took one from the redhead that sat beside her. I gave a smile as I watched him fill it out in a rush.

"I changed my mind. I am a little nervous about this."

It was an honest reply, and as I watch Sawyer smile as he handed his back to the girl, I felt the nerves ease up a bit in my stomach.

This was going to be fun, right?

Sawyer grabbed my hand again "I was hoping to convince her, but I think she turned the table on me" he told the girls, making me roll my eyes as they eyed Sawyer and looked at each other with a smirk.

"Yeah. Today is the last day to sign up. It's going to be held next Friday behind the hotel on the beach, I wish you both luck" the blonde said with a sweet smile as we turned away from the table and walked towards the doors.

When we got outside, we found the other three standing there waiting on us.

"Did you both just sign up?" Dini questioned as we walked to the Jeep, she beeped the button and we opened our doors.

"Yep" I answered as I got in and buckled up my seatbelt, Dini rolled my window down, "I told him I'd do it if he would, and he signed up."

I heard Doug laugh from his truck beside us "Only because he wants to see you in a bikini again" he joked, this causing a yell to be heard from the truck and a hitting contest between the two guys began with Zeke sitting between them.

"Hey. Hey! Please, no hitting me!" Zeke cried as Dini rolled her eyes and put the Jeep in drive to get out of the parking lot.

We went to the beach and waited on the guys who went to the boat rental place to get the pontoon, I looked over at Dini who was checking out her nails.

"What do you think about Sawyer?"

She shrugged, "He's nice, Doug says he is a damn good person but you know my view on people. I mean, he is a lot better than Will was when you first met him," she said, looking at me with a smirk "You remember that, right?"

I groaned and ran my hands down my face "Can we not bring him up, Dinah? I'm trying to forget about him" I told her as I looked towards the lot and saw the guys pulling in with the boat.

"I know" she paused and smiled at me "It looks like you really like him. Sawyer, I mean."

My eyes caught sight of him jumping out of the truck and going back to the pontoon to get in it as the guys backed it into the water, he steered it and crunk it up. They pulled off the boat ramp and drove towards us leaving Sawyer in the boat out on the water

"I think I do."

I got out of the car with Dini as Doug parked his truck and Zeke got out, Dini grabbed her beach bag and we made our way down to the dock to meet the boat that Sawyer was driving towards the dock.

We walked down the dock and Doug got in first to take over the driving, Sawyer stood up and swung the small door open so Dini could step on with his help, then me. He grabbed my hand and helped me onto the boat, I smiled my thanks as I sat down next to Dini and Zeke got on.

"Aw, you could have helped me onto the boat too, Sawyer-boy" Zeke teased Sawyer who rolled his eyes and went to the back row of the seat to sit down and grab a coke from the cooler.

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