"Did I teach you that?"

"Well," I confessed, "it was actually more of a mix. I handled Skylar and Jake's situation poorly, and then yours, and it took all of that for me to realize that the only thing that really counts is the truth, and trust. And moving forward that's all I want to ever promise."

Blake took a shallow breath. "I never said any of that to make it seem like you were a bad person."

"I know," I assured him. "But it was a lesson that I needed to learn."


I bit nervously at my lip. "Well, did you learn anything from this summer? Not necessarily from me, just anything new?"

He thought for a moment. Like Zane, nobody had probably ever asked him a question because they didn't think they needed to. They believed because of his cold, hard exterior that he knew everything.

"I've learned to appreciate life," he said at last. "And not take anything for granted. I think between my experiences here and carrying my younger brother to the ground that if there's anything you can be in your life, it's humble. And grateful for the things you asked for, and the things you didn't."

I think the rain began to get stronger when Blake said his peace. Maybe it was crying for him, maybe it was mourning our loss of innocence, but it was a force that was making everything seem surreal.

Though trapped in this moment in time, it was hard to stay. Blake still hadn't told me to go nor had he begged me to stay. As I had said once to him, we couldn't outrun our lives and their expectations.

Though that didn't make facing reality that much easier.

I wiped the rain away. It was a fruitless effort when the droplets kept coming, but mixed in with the water was my own salty tears I was desperate to camouflage.

I didn't want to look weak. I didn't want him to pity me. I just couldn't help the pain that came with the acceptance that I had never stopped loving Blake. Fate had brought us together when we weren't expecting it, and when we needed it the most, and now I was understanding how painful it was for him to say he was fine to the person who had made him so broken.

I loved him. And now I had to leave. And he still didn't want me.

I brushed the tears out of my eye and abruptly stood up. I glanced at my watch like I actually cared. "I have to leave," I said numbly. "I have to leave right now for the airport, or I'll miss my flight."

I turned to head towards the door, but Blake grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"It's ironic," he said. "That our first conversation was out on the rooftop in Chicago, and our last conversation should be out here."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't know where you're going with this."

He softened, ever so slightly. "When we first talked in Chicago, and I asked you what you wanted? You told me forgiveness. But I turned you away," he said. "Because I was scared."

"I was absolutely terrified," I said in disbelief. "What could you possibly have been scared of?"

He swallowed. "I knew from the moment I saw you in NY that I couldn't let you go. That I wouldn't. But I was scared to let you back into my life, only to be let down and left alone again."

He began to fumble into his pocket.

"Blake, what are you—"

"I forgive you."

I froze.

I stared at him, uncertain if I had heard him right.

"You forgive me?" I repeated.

He nodded. "On this rooftop, in this rain, I forgive you," he confirmed. "I forgive you because I love you and I love you because I have forgiven you."

I was speechless. I couldn't even comprehend the words, let alone what to say.

But I think he already assumed that. And counted on it.

In one swift movement, Blake dropped to one knee. My hands flew to my mouth in shock. He pulled out what he had been floundering with earlier—a soaked black velvet box, and a glittering diamond ring hidden within it.

"Alexa Baker," he smiled nervously, "there are so many ways to be happy in this life, but all I really need is you. Will you marry me?"

One of the most bittersweet feelings has to be when you realize how much you're going to miss a moment while you're still living in it.

I'm not sure life could have come more full circle than right now. And I wish I could have held on for as long as possible.

"Yes," I breathed.

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