Love leak

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It was now morning about 6:30 which was really early but I had to be at work by 8am. Rolling out of bed i grab my uniform which is a baby blue polo shirt ,black jeans, black vans with a blue strip,and my name tag.

After showering and getting dress, I grab my small backpack and throw in my phone a charger,my water bottle,and my lunch.

Going downstairs I grab a apple and piece of toast,then my mom walks inside all fixed in her pantsuit and briefcase her to go mug in hand. "Your up early." I nod "work starts early." I quickly left and went back upstairs running into Shawn.

"You okay bear?" Nodding i jingle his keys around in my hand.

"Let me go get dressed and ill take you" I smile and sit on the couch waiting. I hear hushed giggles come down the stairs, i see Link and Chirssy cuddled up together.

I rush to him amd point at the kitchen, "mom hasn't left yet." He nods and turns around with Chrissy pouting.

"Text me later munchkins"I giggle at chrissy nickname for me and nod.

Arriving at work I check in and say my quiet hellos, my co-worker Derek would show me around when he got here till then i waited.

Soon a tall dark skinned male walks my way, "hey you must be Kai im Derek." I nod and smile softly.

He shows me how to feed the fish and how to keep count of them and test the water. Grabbing my clip board i helped count the fish, we had a bunch of different ones tropical,salt water, fresh water, and shrimp and crabs we even have two eles.

"Now to the reptails" I grab the green clip board for the reptails. He showed me how to feed them and let me held the corn snake. We also counted them which there wasn't much, "ten breaded dragons,  four Leapord gekos, one water dragon,one corn snak, and 20 hermet crabs" he puts check marks buy the ones were 'low' on.

I had sold two goldfish and one batch of are neon fishs. I had just gotton off lunch and it was now Derek turn.

It was quiet till a tall older man about 34 maybe he was coverd in tattoos and was very handsom walked towards me.

"H-hi how can I help you?" He looks down at me and grabs a piece of paper from his pocket.

"My assistant said I need to come here to get some fish for my clubs aquarium tank." I nod and smile walking over to the walls of fish. "D-do you know what type of tank it is?"

"Its fresh water, just pick out ones that would look nice is a night club i need about 20 fish."

I nod and grab my equipment, and clipboard. I grab two goldfish, three angle fish six neon fish and few random ones. The whole time I felt him wacthing my backside making me blush and climb down tge ladder only to miss an step and go falling i was quickly caught befor I hit the floor.

I squeak and look down at the bucket of fish to see Derek holding it his eye wide open.

"Are you okay littld one?" The older man ask still holding me and for some reason i felt so safe in his arms.

I nod and he sits me on my feet, quickly i grab my clipboard and mark off the fish im selling. After bagging them up and selling him the fish food he hands me a crisp 100 even though it was only 76.08. He takes his change leaving me a five and leaves.

Clocking out i yawn texting Chrissy asking if he would like to pick me up.

I sigh and wait for his small gray car to come to a stop amd climb in buckling up.

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