Chapter 1

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(Stephanie's POV ❤️)
Right now I'm on a plane heading to Australia with my best friend Natalie. My mom and dad decided that it would be best for me to live with my Aunt Jeanette and Natalie is coming with me since her grandmother lives down the road. Me and Natalie have been best friends since we met which was 14 years ago. Im 16 and Natalie is almost 17. "Steph?" I look over to Natalie somewhat still asleep being I just woke up. "Ya, what's up?"
"Can I spend the night? Grams just texted me and said she's on vacation." Ya sure."
"Stephanie wake up we're here!" Natalie squeals
"Natalie couldn't you just shake we awake instead of taking out my eardrum?!"
"No, taking out your eardrum is funner."
"Funner isn't a word bitch."
"It is now."
We quickly walk of the plane and claim our luggage. We walk out to the parking lot and search for my cousin Justin's car. We hear a honking behind us and turn around and see him sitting behind the wheel of his red jeep. We hop in the car and make our way to our aunts house.
"Hey cusso" Justin says glancing back at me through his rearview mirror.
"You going to introduce me to your friend." He winks at Natalie. I look at Natalie and we instantly burst out laughing. Don't get me wrong my cousin is charming with his light brown hair, honey brown eyes and tanned body but him and Natalie wouldn't be a good mix. He turn up the radio to block is out as a tint of red forms on his cheeks from embarrassment. He slowly pulls up the drive way and makes his way into the house with me and Natalie following closely behind him. "Girls! You are both so big now!" My Aunt squeals as she pulls us into a hug. "Thanks aunt nette and is it okay if Natalie spends the night?" I ask hopefully
"Of course hun she's practically family now go on and get ready for bed you start school tomorrow."
Me and Natalie groan at the mention of school and head up stairs. Since its only 5 we unpack my clothes and start decorating my room how it was back in Virginia. By the time we finished it was 8 and we were worn out. I pulled out the extra mattress from under my bed and put some pillows on it for Natalie and we both slowly drifted off to sleep.
Ugh. Stupid alarm. I slowly woke up from my beautiful dream of me on a date with Alex from all time low. I turn off my alarm and go to wake up Natalie who is already out of bed and most likely down stairs. I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of skinny jeans with a grey navy sweatshirt and a pair of black vans. I make my way out of my room and into a kitchen where I am greeted by the heavenly smell of pancakes. I quickly rush to the counter and grab some pancakes and start eating. As I finish Natalie comes down the stairs in a pair of black skinny jeans, a black and red checkered flannel with a beanie on her hear. She brushes out her blonde and somewhat wavy hair and starts eating. When we finish we hear honking outside and look out the window to see Justin waving us over to the car. We head outside and quickly get in the car. As we make our way to school we listen to the radio and make small talk. Justin says the only person we should steer clear of is a girl named Brianna apparently she's the head bitch at school. When we get to school Natalie and I make our way to the main office to receive our schedules. As soon as we get them we see what classes we have together and I guess luck is on our side since we have all classes together except one.
2.)Music (Natalie has art)
6.)Math 😕
When we are just about to ti make our way to class the lady at the front desk calls us. "Girls! This is Calum Hood, he'll show you to your next class." I look over to see a boy with brown hair and a blonde patch in his hair. "Hi im Calum and you are?"
"I'm Stephanie."
"I'm Natalie."
"Okay so whose class first?" He asks quizzically
"Both of us need to go to english with mrs.Seymour."
"That's where my mate Michael is so hopefully you can sit with him." He says brightly. He knocks on the door and a older woman answers the door who I assume is Mrs.Seymour. "Calum if your here to ask if you can sit in hear instead if going to class again I swear.." She trails off. Calum chuckles "Not today. But I do believe these two belong to you." He motions to us. "Ahh yes the transfers come in come in. Thank you Calum." Me and Natalie walk in and search for a seat. We find two seats across from a boy who has red hair, and eyebrow peircing and has the a misfits shirt on. "Hi is it okay if we sit here?" I ask him politely. He nods his head yes and we sit down. "so your the americans?" He asks
"Yerp that's us. Nice shirt by the way." Natalie speaks for us being im not good with talking.
"What's your names?"
"Im Natalie and this.." She gestures towards me "is stephanie." I smile and wave.
"Well I'm Michael" I don't know why but he looks so familiar. My eyes widen in realization. "Oh my god"
They both snap their head in my direction and look at my quizzically.
"Michael? Michael Clifford?! Its me Stephanie Ellis you used to hang out with me and my cousin Justin when I visited." His slowly widen as conformation that he remembers. "I haven't seen you since we were six! Damn time really does go by. And I'm guessing this is the Natalie you would say you missed all the time?"
I nod my head and smile realizing that moving here won't be as bad as I thought.

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