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   I woke up in a bathtub. Ugh, that brought back some memories. I was again Michael in the bathroom at a party. But this time, it wasn't because of my anxiety, but the alcohol. I was missing my flannel. I sat up tiredly, just as Jeremy stumbled in the room, shutting the door behind him. I heard him murmuring something as he leaned on the counter.

"Jeremy?" I said.

He looked at me. "Michael, just the guy I wanted to see..." he said, obviously pretty out of it.

   Jeremy dropped to the floor and crawled over to me, resting his hands on the side of the tub. He chuckled and smiled while starting deep into my eyes. I scooted back. He started to get into the bathtub, and I blushed red. What was he doing? He hovered over me and brushed his hand against my face. I was starting to get uncomfortable, or maybe just lustful.

   He then kissed my lips passionately. My eyes widened in shock. Jeremy was kissing me! This was all I ever wanted. It wasn't a dare, or a prank, or anything!... This was just Jeremy. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him. He leaned into me. Our tongues started to touch. We were now making out. I closed my eyes. Was my dream finally coming true?

But then I hastily pushed Jeremy away. No, this... this... wasn't Jeremy. He was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing. He-he didn't actually want to do this. Besides, he had a girlfriend. I had completely forgot about Christine. All I thought about was myself.

Jeremy tried to kiss me once more, and I pushed him away again. He looked hurt.

"Jere, I-I can't do this," I whispered with tears forming in my eyes, "You're drunk and you have a girlfriend. R-Remember? Christine?"

Jeremy looked confused. He swept his hands through my hair, muttering.

"Stop!" I yelled, standing up, "You are just making this harder for me!"

The tears started streaming down my face. I jumped out of the tub, and ran all the way to the door of Brooke's house. I quickly opened it and ran home, not even bothering to look where the rest of my friends were. I ran all the way to my house, not even caring that my parents were going to kill me for coming home so late. I ran up the stairs to my room, and buried myself in my pillows, crying. Eventually, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I smelled the scent of waffles being cooked. I smiled, forgeting about last night. But as I stepped onto the floor I noticed what I was wearing.

"Oh. Yeah..." I muttered sadly.

   I sighed, and threw on my robe that was hanging on the back of my door. I headed downstairs and sat down at the counter. My mom, Charlie, set a plate of waffles in front of me.

"I know you came home very late last night," she said with a stern look.

I froze. "Uh, um, well... Uh..." I stuttered.

She smiled. "It's fine. I won't tell."

"You won't tell? Doesn't mom already know?" I asked. She was really the one I was worried about.

"No, she had to go to work unexpectedly late last night."

   I had a sigh of relief, thankful I was not getting grounded. I started to dig into my breakfast. After I finished, I nodded at my mom and headed upstairs. Usually, I go to Jeremy's house on Sundays, but I really didn't feel like going there. Who knew how much he remembered of the party?

   Instead, I slumped into my swivel chair and got on my laptop, checking Instagram. I was shocked to see what was on the recent feed. It was a picture of Jeremy and I, when I was dared to kiss him. I covered my eyes with my hands in disbelief. When I took my hands off, I studied the picture. Jeremy was... blushing? I couldn't get my hopes up about anything. He would probably blush no matter who was kissing him. I slammed my laptop shut and got under the covers of my bed. I hated my life. I started to feel myself falling asleep again...

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