𝐗𝐈. too much

Start from the beginning


Goosebumps rose on my skin, and instantly I shut my computer. I pushed it off of me, further onto the bed. I couldn't decipher a single thought racing through my mind - or maybe, my mind had completely shut down.

No. No fucking way.

Convincing myself that I was just tired, I took a deep breath and attempted to relax.

All I could picture was the Cullens. Their perfect looks, their cold to the touch skin, their pale complexions... and those eyes. Those piercing eyes. I gulped. The Cold Ones weren't real, just like Embry said - it was just a legend. Vampires weren't real.

Were they?

In the heat of the moment, I moved for my phone. I needed to do something, anything to distract myself. I scoured through my contact list, barely reading each name as they passed.

I clicked on Embry's contact. Without a second thought, I pressed the 'Call' button. It took a few rings, and I grew worried that he might be busy. But, it was my lucky day. The phone picked up, and I was greeted by the sound of coughing.

"Embry? You okay?"

The coughing died down.

"Hey, Eve. Yeah, I'm good, I'm good. What's up girl? We miss you here," his laidback tone eased the tension in my shoulders. I barely noticed the nickname, even though Daylin was the only other person to use it.

For some reason, it felt right for Embry to do the same.

"I'm glad, I miss y'all too. But, uh..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"You sure you're good? You sound kinda stressed,"

Was I that easy to read? Even over the phone? I sighed.

"Yeah, actually. Um, I've just been, like, working on some stuff. It's been a long week,"

I cut myself off as I heard some more coughing. It wasn't Embry this time, however. Someone else seemed to be in the room with him. Embry whispered, quieting them down as I waited patiently for him to respond.

"Sorry, Quil's here too, we're just- um- hangin' out,"

"Oh, cool. What are you guys up to?"

Embry giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing's funny, it's just, hah- um-"

"Hey, dude, give the phone to me," I heard Quil speak up. After some shuffling, I assumed his request had been granted.


"Hey Evelyn, Embry said you're stressed. You should, like, come over and chill," his voice, normally boyish and almost soft, sounded raspy.

I wondered what Embry had meant by hanging out.

"You sure? I don't wanna invade on guy time,"

"Listen, if you've had a tough week, I've got the perfect medicine,"

So that's what he meant.

"...alright. I'll call a cab and be there in, uh... thirty. Have Embry send me the address,"

"Nice! For sure, see you soon."

Hanging up the phone, I sat in silence.

I knew there was no way Daylin was going to let me leave this late, especially not to go hang out with two boys he'd hadn't met.

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