Finding and getting the job.

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Now remember this was moved from FaitheTheNobleHusky's account lovelies.


Your POV


That's what your doing at this exact point in time. 

"What are you running from?" You ask?

Let's find out if your so curious...

*4pm The day before*

Your reading the newspaper looking for a job since you were fired from your last one for reasons I will not go into. You were skimming through the pages and thought 'I guess I'll just have to wait until I get the next newspaper tomorrow'. That's when you found a job worth looking over. 'Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. Looking for a security guard to work the night shift from 12am to 6am. Pays $120.' 'Hmm I'll go over to the place to get the job if it's not taken in an hour since it's seems easy enough, looking over cameras and all.'

*Time skip to you walking to the pizzeria brought to you by Chica eating your pizza*

You had you earphones in listening to Maps by Maroon 5 on about half volume. You were wearing black skinny jeans, a plain white shirt with a pair of black converse. Your hair was up and you weren't wearing make up since you didn't think you'd need it.

When you saw the pizzeria.

*Time skip brought to you by this time skip*

You walked in to instantly hear children's laughter and for the smell of pizza to fill your nose. You walked up the the register and asked " Hi I'm here about the night shift is there somewhere I need to go to sign up?" "Just go down that hall way then you'll find the bosses office." "Thank you.". You started walking down the hallway then you found the room.

You walked in to see a man sitting in the chair signing some paper work. "Um hello I'm here for the night shift job is this where I sign up?" You asked "Yes it is, please fill out this paper then I'll show you the animatronics then I'll show you around. Say what's your name since you never mentioned it?" "(y/n) (l/n) sir)."

*Time skip of you finishing the paper*

"Great! Follow me and I'll show you the animatronics first." You followed him to the stage where there was 3 animatronics. "This is Chica" He pointed to the chicken "Bonnie" he then pointed to the purple rabbit "And here's our star Freddy Fazbear himself!" He then pointed to the bear wearing a bow tie and top hat holding a microphone in one of his hands.

He then led you over to the place called Pirates cove. He opens the curtains to reveal a fox with a hook on his right hand and an eyepatch on his right eye. He was broken with wires sticking out and his jaw was broken. "Why are you showing me him if he dosn't work?" You asked "I guess you just needed to see him (y/n)." He replied.

Foxys POV

'I've been standing here for so long. I can't wait until I can move around again tonig- wait I hear voices...' He listens closely to the voices as they get closer and closer to pirate cove. Then the curtains are pulled back to reveal the man he despised so much for never fixing him and another person. The new security guard he guessed. They stayed for a while talking then they left to go look at something else, probably rooms. Foxy was left to his own thoughts since he was all alone. 

'Wow tha' new security guard sure is mighty beautiful.. (f/n) was the young lasses name was it.. What are ye thinking ye stupid fox! Ye'll have to kill 'er soon! Maybe I could stop tha' others from killing 'er... Yeah that sounds like a fine plan....'


So I've actually gotten around to moving the story from the other account to this one... HOORAYYYYYYY!!!!!!

Adios Amigos!

Five Night's in a Pirates Heart- Foxy the Pirate Fox x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now