The Thieves

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The white van drove onto the tarmac of McCarran Airport, the sedans still following closely behind it. As the van stops, so do they; as each one of Benedict's hired goons get out of the car, they raise their guns towards the van.

"Get out of the van, now," the leader ordered, "Now!" Nobody steps out of the van. The goon looks at his men.

"Tires," he ordered. His men begin shooting at the tires of the van, wanting to make it difficult for the driver and anybody else that may be inside to drive off with the eighty million dollars that was suspected to be inside.


Inside the vault, Benedict inspected the damage that had been done. As the SWAT team continued its own investigation on what exactly had happened down there, their leader explains to Benedict what exactly they have found.

"Sir, as of yet we have no suspects," the SWAT leader stated, "We have yet to determine as of yet how they entered or exited the premises."

"Take your men out."

"Sir, may I suggest," the leader tried, "You stand outside until the bomb squad-"


"It's your vault," the leader conceded, "Blue team, we're movin' out." The SWAT team begins to back up their gear and make their way back to the elevator. Benedict looks slightly defeated as he calls Walsh on the walkie-talkie.

"Walsh, where are we with the van?"


One of the goons walked up to the van and opens the driver's side door. He looks at it confused. No one is the front seat except for a camera that is being controlled by remote from somewhere unknown. Off in the distance watching the standoff are Reuben and Virgil, who is controlling the van via his laptop.

"Okay, I just want to try something," Virgil told Reuben while clicking on his laptop. As the goon walks away from the van to let the rest of guys know that no one is inside it, the van inches forward slightly, causing him to jerk back. Virgil began to have fun with it.

"Oops," he joked, "Aww, oh sorry, oops. You want your t-"

"Enough monkey business," snapped Rueben, having enough of Virgil's little game. Virgil chuckled, while clicking some more on his computer. The goons inch forward their guns raised waiting for something to happen when suddenly the van doors blow open due to a bomb that was planted inside. The goons jump back in surprise.

"Mr. Benedict, we took the van sir," one of the goons explained.


"And they say that there was no money in the bags sir," the goon continued.

"What do you mean there's no money in the bags?"

"They say the bags were filled with flyers sir," the goon relayed, "For hookers." Benedict looked around his vault once more. The same can be said there. Instead of money littering the floor of the vault it was flyers, except for by the door. There at the vault door was the one difference that should have told security that something was off.

"Walsh, cue up the tape to the robbery," Benedict ordered, sweeping part of the floor in front of the vault that say 'Bellagio' on it.

"Yes sir, I'm looking at the tape now."

"Does it say, Bellagio on the vault floor?"

"No it doesn't, I don't understand."

"We had it installed on Tuesday," Benedict stated eerily calm, "The images we saw of those people robbing us was a tape."

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