The Preparation

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"Saturday day is yours," Emilia told the group, "Do whatever you like with it."

"Call us at five thirty," Rusty began, letting them know their schedule, "Make-up and costume. Saul's package arrives at seven-fifteen, and Linus grabs our codes. All goes well there and we're a go. Seven-thirty Virgil and Turk deliver Yen and we're committed. From that point, we have thirty minutes to blow the power or he suffocates." The entire group looks at the miniature vault that had been built.

"Once the electricity goes, all access points to the vault and its elevator will automatically lock down for two minutes," Emilia explained to them, "That's when we make our move..."

The entire group watches in silence as two guards wheel in a cash cart and leave it in the middle of the vault's center before marching out once more. They close the thick metal door behind them. Once the vault clicks, every single eye in the room is on the cash cart.

The false top of the cart springs open, Yen, folded neatly inside.

"Okay," Rusty shouted to Yen, "They've put you in the middle of the room, far from everything. You have to get from there to the door without touching the floor. What do you do?"

"Ten says he shorts it," Turk announced, dressed up in a security guards uniform; the rest of the group standing with him.

"Twenty," they all answered, taking his bet. Watching Yen intently, the group watched as he set himself up for a jump. Yen took a deep breath and jumped. He landed perfectly on top of surrounding cages. The group applauded as Emilia watched with a slight smile.

"Window or aisle, boys," Basher shouted making his presence known. The entire group turns to look at him with concerned looks on their faces. Everything was supposed to go down tomorrow and now a problem was starting to present itself.

"Yeah, we're in deep shit," Basher announced once more walking closer to them. Emilia got one whiff of him and immediately she gagged. Rusty looked at her worriedly for a second, but she turned to him and gave a slight smile indicating she's fine.

Linus grabbed a hose and began to hose down Basher, almost gagging himself from the smell.

"That proxy demo crew didn't use a coaxial lynch to batten the main line, have they," Basher shouted. His accent coming off angry and thick as he spat out water as Linus continued to hose him down along with the story of just how his afternoon went. He didn't care if anybody could understand him, he was fucking pissed.

"They've only nosed up the mainframe couplet," Basher complained, "Nosed it right up."

"You understand any of this," Reuben asked out loud.

"I'll explain later," Livingston assured him.

"Listen, they're so pony that they blew the backup grid one by one," Basher said, once he calmed down a tiny bit and Linus stopped hosing him down, "Like a bunch of dominoes."

"Basher," Emilia called, "What happened?"

"They did the same of what I would've done," Basher explained, "Only they did it by accident. Problem is, is that they know their weakness and are sorting it out. They're fixin' it."


"So, unless we intend to do this job in Reno," Basher snapped, "We're in Barney." The entire crew looks at Basher confused by the reference.

"Barney Rubble," Basher tried, but they still look at him confused.

"Trouble," he tried again, slightly angry that no one understood him.

"Well," Danny said, turning to Rusty, "We could always..."

"By tomorrow," Rusty asked, and then shook his head.

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