End of Volume 1

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Hello everyone. This is Suzyrana at your service. LOL.

Okay, well. Like I have been saying, this story served as the prologue to the main stories (yeah you read it right. Stories). I need to say I may gone crazy, that from a simple 'what if Krist watch Untamed? What if he fanboying over the drama?' to suddenly 'Krist is related to Untamed world'... yeah, that's how this story is going to go now. It's the journey for Krist and Xiao Zhan, in their own place. A crossover of them, and reincarnation.

This story will continue with volume 2, which focus on Krist's side. Vol 2 will start where Krist returned to Bangkok after meeting Xiao Zhan in previous chapter. Rest assure, vol 2 already done completely, all you need to wait is... @red_sun15 to be done with the editing (chase her, don't chase me hahha). But in order you guys to understand better of Krist's side, you will be shown to Lan Yuan's life a bit. So, once it's ready, you will get Lan Yuan's life (vol 1.1) first before vol 2 started.

Then... regarding vol 3, Xiao Zhan's side... I'm not sure if you guys want it, so it's still in progress. Maybe you could decide for me? Like tell me if you want his side as well right here, or maybe after you read Krist's part. I will keep asking this thou along the way, haha, until I feel it's very much wanted from you reader.

Anyway, in order not to get you guys get confused, I lay out the sequence of this Swapped series here.

#1 - Prologue > Swapped Vol 1: The Beginning of a Tale

#1.1 - Past life > Swapped Vol 1.1: The Past

#2 - KristSingto focus > Swapped Vol 2: The Unrequited Story

#3 - WangXiao focus > Swapped Vol 3: True Love across Time

Okay, that's all. See you when I see you~
(the time to meet again will be decided by my lovely editor lol)

Swapped Vol 1: The Beginning of a TaleWhere stories live. Discover now