2: WhatsApp (GC)

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Single, Broke College Hoes

Hobi (admin)
You (admin)
Jiminie Pabo
Sugar Kookie Jar ❤️
why tf do i have his number🙄🚮

Hobi: Anyone in here know a priest?

Swaegi: Hoseok, gentle reminder

Swaegi: Priests are holy personalities and you'll go to hell if you mess with them.

Hobi: I- what😦

Swaegi: Priests don't do one night stands.

Swaegi: I know you're suddenly sexually active and want all "flavors" but I don't advise you bring a generational curse on your dick..


Hobi: I wasn't even-

Hobi: Yoongi what the fuck😦

Swaegi: Oh.. it wasn't that?💀🤡

Hobi: No.

Jiminie Pabo: mean yoon, bad yoon!

Swaegi: I mean you're everywhere these days, even my coworker knows things about you that I wouldn't imagine what am I supposed to think..

Tae: what things 👀

Jiminie: i'm also curious👀

Swaegi: PG45.

Hobi: fuck you yoongs.

Swaegi: Nope, I don't want to be catching anything.

Tae: you're being disgustingly mean now yoongi, leave hobi alone.

Swaegi: A guy can't joke in peace.

Hobi: IGNORING that rat ass up there

Swaegi: creative.

Hobi: I really do need that priest when I'm back from my research trip

Jiminie Pabo: why do you need a priest, hoseok?

Swaegi: To expand his horizons...

You removed Swaegi.

Jiminie Pabo: that's the third time in two weeks😪

Tae: he's getting the side effects of overworking, being even meaner

Sugar Kookie Jar ❤️: What's happening?

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