Chapter 39

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I had Nana on the baby bouncer carrier, she was active today, trying to grab the dangling toys and giggling, the class left with there chosen hero agencies and Shouta was with a couple of heroes since there was a disturbance

I've been cooped up in this house ever since I was pregnant, I've decided to go to my parents house so I packed everything and set up the carrier, after I was done we drove off

I stopped at a red light and sat back "hey!!" I looked around hearing a muffled scream, I turn my head to the window and see girls trying to get my attention, they where recording and seemed excited to see me, I put my window down and waved at them

"We love you [h/n]!!"

"Show those villains who's boss!"

"I will! Bye guys!!" I drove off when the light turned green, I then made it to my parents house, I grabbed the baby carrier and bag before making my way to the porch, I kicked the door a few times before they opened it

"[y/n], what are you doing here"

"Nothing I got bored being alone so I came here"

"Awww my little granddaughter, hey wheres my other grandkid, I miss him"

"He's at a hero agency, wheres dad"

"He's at work"

"Ah, okay" I put everything down and took Nana out of the carrier, she was drooling all over her hand "aww your so cute" I gave her kiss on her cheek and handed her to my mom, my mom was giving her kisses all over her face and she scrunched her face up

"Auh! This little fucker, what's that face for?! Take her back I want Hitoshi" she started to pull on her sleeve and stuff it in her face, she placed her down on the blanket and she looked around, she let out little noises as she put toys in her mouth

"What happened to the tv?" I asked

"We had your nephews over and they brought a basketball inside and next thing I know, the TVs cracked on the floor faced down with your nephew on the bottom of it"

"Ha! Little shit probably deserved it" I said

"The little shit did deserve it, broke my goddamn tv" she agreed

"I gotta go to the store and buy more diapers, can you watch her for me"

"Of course"

"Thanks mom" I walk out and drove to the store, after I got the diapers and other things I walked back to the parking lot, only to feel something wrap around my leg and yank me off my feet

I was now upside down and see this weird cyclops monster "okay, I know what your thinking 'let's take down the number one hero' but I'm not in the mood to fight, I fought a huge ass villain, went through surgery, birthed a watermelon, and I'm trying to relax after staying up all night with a crying alarm in my hands, so can you please-" I was slammed to the ground "well fuck you too!" I flipped him off and quickly dodged his punches, I was able to get in a good few kicks before punching his eye

He screeched and fell backwards and I slammed my foot into his stomach and punched his face repeatedly until he didn't move, I did check for a pulse which was there, then I grabbed my bag and put my stuff in my car, right after I called for backup so they can take care of this person

I see the police come as I sat on top of my trunk eating a apple "[h/n] thank you for taking care of him, we've been trying to track him down for months"

"No problem" I jumped down my car and was headed to open the door

"Wait!" I stop and look at the officers "we had gotten a message saying there's a villain attack, it seems there's a little girl involved and they need backup, its a few blocks down" he told me which street it was

"I'm on it" I tapped my ring making my hero suit appear on me, I then jumped into the air hoping on buildings and looking down and seeing this weird creature monster attacking Hitoshi and Izuku, with a little girl on Izuku's back, I jumped up once more spinning in the air getting momentum in my feet, I slammed my foot as hard as I can to the top of its head

I landed between Hitoshi and Izuku "what's happening?" I asked him

"He's been doing something illegal, it's kind of a long story, we'll explain later" Hitoshi said

"Well get the girl out of here, I'll deal with this" I ran at him dodging the spikes left and right "what the hell is this guy?" I jumped up slamming my fist against his stomach, I was able to send him flying upwards

I jumped up in the air and with the heel of my foot I slammed him down, the ground beneath him made a crater

The dust made it difficult to see where he was, but I soon felt a hard impact on my stomach and I went flying into a building "shit!" I ran out dodged some of his attacks, I was getting ready to strike again but stopped when I see Hitoshi and Izuku use One for All on him

I see him get slammed to the ground and was there motionless, well I hope he was

I stepped back looking at him making sure he was knocked out, and it seemed that there was no way he can wake up from that

Confirming that he was passed out I made my way to the kids

"You guys alright"

"Y-yeah, where fine"

"Okay, that's good, let's go somewhere safe and I'll try and think of something" after going into a safe distance we began to talk about what happened

"How can someone do something like that!? I'm gonna beat the ever loving shit out of him" the boys held me back from

"Nononono! You just had a baby you need to lay low" Izuku yelled

"Baby or not he's gonna pay!"

"Your gonna get yourself killed!" Hitoshi was holding me back

"Then so be it! I've lived a good life! I'll die happy!"

"God please help us" Izuku cried out


A/N: If you guys had read one of my other books "Green Tea" you guys would know I was in the ER

Heart said "vibe check" 😗✌🏽💓 and I passed... barely 💀

To make it long story short I had really bad heart palpitations, now I'm going to another cardiologist appointment

This is sorta normal for me and now I hate going to the hospital because I waited five hours and I was hungry, but my mom used to work there so I became friends with all the doctors and staff, also a baby flipped me off but the baby was cute so I let it slide

Anyways I'm taking a break on posting new chapters, but I will be working on my books during my trip to Mexico

Also WONDERFUL NEWS!! I am currently working on a book called "Take Her To The Moon For Me" it's a Bokuto x Reader, it's one chapter and my goal for the word count is near over twenty to twenty-five thousand, I started on it recently and did I cry while I was writing it... yes, yes I did 😅 it won't be posted in awhile since I did start on it not that long ago

So with all this piled up on me unfortunately I won't be able to update for awhile, I don't know when I will update the next chapter, if I'm honest it may take awhile

But don't worry I don't plan on dropping this book, there will be an ending, it just might take longer than I expected

Anyways I lived, I curved death for the third time 💅🏽

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