Chapter 32

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

The whole school shut down for a couple of weeks, I think it's actually for a month or two, cause of the incident, Toshi announced his retirement, and I stepped up to being the new number one hero, I may not have One for All, but I did survive not having to use it

Me and Aizawa plan on packing to move into the house near the kids dorms, and my family has been bombarding me with texts and calls, my heart sank when they told me there gonna visit here

I mean I was fine with everybody... my grandma is the real scary boss

"Looks like your gonna meet my family" I said to Shouta and Hitoshi "wonder how there gonna feel about you two"

"Well how's your family" Shouta asked

"Everyone is fine, my nieces and nephews are noisy, my cousins are fine, but my grandma is the one you guys have to watch out for, she's a scary one" I explained

"Have you... you know checked" Shouta whispered, I knew what he meant, he's asking if I did a pregnancy test

"Not know, but I did buy one this morning, I'm gonna test later" I said, he nodded "anyways there coming..." I checked the message from two nights ago "shit! There coming tomorrow!" I groaned while sliding off the couch "we need to clean up! Come on get your butts up and ready!"

They both groaned and slid off couch laying on the ground "do we have to" Hitoshi whined

"Not unless you want my grandma to shove a wooden spoon up your ass, now come on" we all cleaned, vacuumed, washed dishes, wiped the counters, cleaned the bathroom, made the beds, we even cleaned the front and backyard

We all flopped on the couch and sighed out "yay... the house is cleaned"

~~~~Next Day~~~~

"Okay my family just pulled up in the front" I looked at them and there all dressed decent, Shouta's hair in a low bun, which I begged him to do, "are you nervous Shouta, it looks like your sweating"

"No I'm fine" I hear doorbell ringed and I took a deep breath in

I open the door and see my family greet me with a huge hug "hey guys, I missed you too"

"Your [h/n]!?!" they all yelled at me

"Okay we go straight to that, come in sit down and I'll explain everything" I said

"Who are those boys" my aunt said

"I'll explain that as well just sit down"

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"And yup! That's what happened" I explained my whole situation and who was Shouta and Hitoshi

"And you didn't tell us this!?" they yelled at my parents

"She wanted it a secret, it's her personal life" my mom explained

"Can we see you in your hero suit!" my niece yelled

"Sure" I tapped my ring and my whole hero suit appeared

"Wow... you really are her, I have a famous auntie!" the kids cheered and jumped on me

"Okay calm down" we all relaxed and my grandma was throwing questions at Shouta, I looked away and when I looked back I see Shouta pull my dad aside, I didn't question it, probably talking about guy stuff or whatever "where are you guys staying at?" I question

"We rented like five hotels nearby, anyways I'm going to the bathroom" my cousin told me, I nodded and I remembered something 'the pregnancy test!' I run past her and busted in the bathroom

I quickly closed the door in front of her face "okay, if you wanted to go to the bathroom that bad you could've just told me" my heart was beating a million times a second

I grab the pregnancy test, took a deep breath, and looked down...


I felt tears roll down my cheeks, I quickly put it in my pocket and walked out "Yuki before you go to the bathroom, I have a family emergency"

"Okay?" I walk down the stairs and see very one talking

"Guys I have some big news" I announced "everyone gather, come on" they all sat down and looked at me confused "guess what" they looked at each other then back at me


"We are gonna have little feet running around this house" I swear to god it took them a whole ass minute before they realized what I meant

"YOUR PREGNANT!?!?!" they yelled, I nodded my head and they all hugged me, I looked at Shouta and he had a teary smile, when my family finally let go he ran up and kissed me

"Where having a baby" I said, he smiled softly and bent down on one knee, my eyes widen and I hear my whole family gasping

"[y/n] [l/n], ever since middle school and throughout high school you've made me so happy, you always try to help people, you know when a person isn't themselves, and you want to be there for them, and no matter how hard an opponent was you took them down, that's what I love about you, you don't give up, you never gave up on the kids, you show people there strong side, and that's what you do with me everyday, and I want that to last, so will you make me the luckiest man on earth, and marry me"

He opened a black ring box, and the ring was beautiful, it had two large diamonds with patterns all around, I look at him with tears forming, I was at a list of words so I nodded "y-yes"

My whole family cheered and I couldn't help but smile and cry at the same time, he slid the ring on and I jumped into his arms, we kissed and I buried my face into his neck

Me and Shouta looked at Hitoshi, he had a soft smile, then we looked at each other "should we ask him" I nodded my head and run into my room

"Where is she going" my grandma said, I came down with a folder

"This has been an emotional roller coaster, but that isn't the end of it" I said, I walk up to Hitoshi and gave it to him, me and Shouta smiled, while everyone was confused, he opened it and he had tears coming out of his eyes

Me and Shouta had signed the adoption papers, but we waited until it looked like Hitoshi was ready

"Wanna join the family" he nodded his head with tears falling and hugged both of us

"I love you guys"

His Assistant ||Aizawa x Reader||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz