Dimitri realized he'd been played, and sighed "Well I guess a horse ride is out of the question now" he said a little sadly.

"That's alright" Byleth said in an effort to comfort him "Maybe some other time?" She suggested, Dimitri smiled and nodded.

"So Byleth" Dimitri began "How did it go with your meeting with Lady Rhea?" he asked.

"Oh- right that, it went fine" Byleth said "She was glad we found Flayn, and that girl Monica" she added.

"Monica?" A voice called from behind, Byleth turned to see Claude and Hilda approaching them "Who's Monica?" Claude asked.

"We rescued her alongside with Flayn yesterday," Byleth said to Claude. "I think she's still in the infirmary, so that would explain why you haven't heard about her yet" she added and Claude nodded then turned his attention to Dimitri.

"So your highness where are you taking us this fine evening?" Claude asked with a wink. Dimitri proceeded to tell him about this restaurant in town that he thought would be good, Claude made a face for a moment like he'd just realized something. "Oh- I see," Claude said awkwardly.

The four of them made their way into town and were almost to their destination, when Claude stopped. "Hey Hilda look at that place over there" he said pointing to a row of shops "How about we check them out?" Claude asked.

"Ok sure," Hilda said.

"Great!" he then turned to Byleth and Dimitri "No need to wait on us you two" Claude said "Have fun!" he added with a wink, then took off with Hilda.

Byleth felt a little nervous with it being just her and Dimitri, she knew what she was getting into beforehand but she had to admit she felt mildly relieved that Claude and Hilda were also there. But now it was just Byleth and Dimitri by themselves.


Dimitri felt excited, he couldn't believe that Claude had done that. Dimitri made a mental note to thank him later on when he next saw him. "Shall we continue on?" Dimitri asked Byleth who was still dazed by what had happened, his question regained Byleths attention.

"Ah yes, of course" Byleth said softly, Dimitri held out his arm for her to hold onto so he could guide her. He paused for a moment scared she would reject his gesture, but his fears quickly dissolved once he felt her hands on his arm. Her hands are so small Dimitri thought to himself, and felt his face grow hot.

"Well let's be on our way then" Dimitri said, then began leading the way. They finally reached the place, it was fairly empty the server told them it was because people thought that there was going to be a storm tonight. Dimitri and Byleth sat down at their table, it was initially awkward at first since Byleth was naturally quiet, but after a while he managed to draw more conversation out of her. "So Byleth" Dimitri said "Has art been a secret passion of yours?" he teased referring to her attempt at drawing that beast thing, and Byleth's face grew red.

"I'll have you know it was the best I could do" Byleth rebutted "So Dimitri has breaking lances always been a passion of yours?" She asked sarcastically, Dimitri laughed in response to this. After they had finished eating they began to get ready to go.

"I wouldn't if I were you" a server told them, as Dimitri opened the door to see it raining incredibly hard. "I told you there was going to be a storm" the server sighed "I'd advise getting a room to wait out the storm in, there is a place next door" he added, Dimitri nodded. He then re- opened the door, grabbed Byleth's hand and ran next door to rent a room.

They entered the inn, and the rain had managed to spare them from being completely drenched in rain water, however they were still fairly wet. "Can I get two rooms?" Dimitri asked the clerk as they approached him.

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