Chapter 1: Wanted

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I ran as fast as my legs would pump. Branches scraping my arms, causing small tears in the sleeves of my white cotton shirt. My sneakers pounding hard against the ground. I wanted to shift knowing I'd be able to move faster, but I couldn't. If I wasted the time to shift they would surely catch me.

My breath raged in and out. My lungs felt like I was breathing fire. The fear of being dragged back to that pack was my motivation to keep moving. I wouldn't go back to that place. He wanted to use me as a breeder. Not as the Luna he promised my family I would be.

There was no way papa could've known his use for me. He wouldn't have made the alliance if he did. I was supposed to be the Alpha's mate. The Luna, the packs heart. Not locked in a room.

I had been in his pack for two weeks. From the first day I saw how cruel he was. His pack members tip-toed around him. Afraid he would execute them on the spot. Why anyone would choose to stay in a pack like that, I don't know.

He brought me up the west wing tower to show me my room. The pack house looking like a medieval castle, how fitting. When I walked in to inspect the room. He shut the door. Locking me in to what was supposed to be my forever prison.

It wasn't until later that day a handmaid had told me his plans for me. He was planning to only impregnate me. I would be locked in that room until I carried the child to term. Then he would have an heir for his pack. After that I would be of use no more.

"She's about to cross!" One of the trackers yelled from right behind me. Pulling me from my thoughts. I wasn't sure what pack line I was about to cross into. All I knew is that it meant they couldn't follow, not unless the Alpha wanted to start a war over me.

I had been smart leading them through human towns and heavily populated areas. Knowing they wouldn't risk the secret by shifting. Forcing them to stay in their human forms as I had. 

As I crossed over the invisible barrier. Into another packs territory my chasers came to a halt. I still did not stop running. I glance back quickly watching as they followed the pack line not giving up the chase. Hoping they'll be able to catch me when I cross out of this pack.

Taking a chance I decided to venture in a little more. Trying to get more of a head start on the trackers. I wasn't sure what pack I have crossed into. I really should've paid more attention in geography.

As I slowed my pace down a little to a jog. I could really start to feel the effects of the chase. Now that my adrenaline was winding down my legs were screaming at me. My muscles aching from running for so long. I could feel the dampness on my back that my shirt kept clinging to as I was drenched in sweat.

I knew I had to pick up my pace soon. Or else I would loose my head start. I also needed to stay somewhat close to the border. The more I ventured into pack land the more at risk I was at. Most Alphas didn't take kindly to surprise visitors.

As I started gravitating towards where I assumed the pack line would be. I heard a snap of a twig about a hundred feet from my right. Coming to a halt I sniffed the air. The only scent that came with the wind was a rabbit. Still I stood still, assessing my surroundings. My muscles taut ready to fight.

Once I felt it was safe to start moving again. I picked my pace back up to a run. Sprinting to what I assumed would be the way to the packs border. I could sense it was close.

Before I could reach it a group of five wolves blocked my way out. My breath hitched in my throat this is not good I thought to myself. I am a trespasser on this packs property. Not seeing another option I took off running. Being chased by the wolves patrolling the borders.

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