6. Traveling

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"Speak of this again, and I will murder all of you." I threatened my companions, to which they all sweat dropped to.

Mother sighed and ignored me. Wah! The tsundre is being a meanie again!

I pouted and followed the others who were about to leave me behind. Those meanies!

"Kija, you said you can sense where the other dragons are, right?" Mother asked, looking at a map.

"You're Yoon right? You're correct, I can sense their heartbeats." Kija explained. "So which drag on is closest?" Yoon asked.

Kija focused ad closed his eyes. From the anime, I remember seeing what he was focusing and it was cool, I wish I could see it in real life!

'Well too bad for you.'

God fucking dammit! He's back.

I knew I should have gone to a mental asylum when I was still in my other world! Now its coming back to haunt me with the voices of sexy boys!

'Aww~ thanks for the complement.'

Go fuck your self.

'How rude! And here I was gracing a pitiful being like yourself with my majestic presence.'

Bitch, who you calling pitiful. At least I'm not a fucking narcissist.

'Oof. How you wound me.'

I completely ignored him after that. 

Without even realizing it, the entire day had passed by and three of Yona's harem were still looking for the dragon.

"God, how can you stand all this walking? My feet are dying, I don't wanna do this anymore." I complained to Yona who giggled a bit at my response.

This was much faster in the anime! It was like, what? Two out of the Twenty-Four minutes?

Now, it was more than a day. That's it! I'm done with this shit!

"Yo! Mother, dragon, Mr. grouch, have you checked this area?" I asked, pointing to a point on the map.

I already knew they didn't. So, I continued.

"At a glance, it seems inhabitable, right? But if you take a closer look, you can se that the cave as well as the surrounding area is, in fact, habitable." Looking at their faces, I continued.

"And to add to that, since hak thought it was inhabitable, that must mean that armies also think that its inhabitable." I smirked victoriously at their shocked reactions.

"L—L/N, did you use say something smart?" Hak slowly backed away from me.

"What'd you say, jackass? You wanna say that to my face?!" I screamed.

"Phew, you're still an idiot." Hak wiped off an imaginary bead of sweat from his forehead and sighed.

"Wats that?! Fight me, bitch!" I was about to launch at Hak before a white claw stopped me.

"We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves, our main purpose is to find the Seiryuu, remember?" Kija tried to reason.

Hak let out a shocked gasp. "Did white snake actually say something reasonable?"

This time, it was Kija who tried to lunge at Hak before he was cut off by Yoon threatening hm to not give him dinner.

'You sure have made some very unique friends.'

Like your one to talk.

'Oh, my dear Y/N, whatever do you mean?'

I mean that you're worse than them, you narcissist.

I got him to shut up after that and joined n on the conversations while eating.

This is fun.

A lot funner than it was back at home. There, the only time I had fun was when I was watching anime or with F/N.

Otherwise, would be forced into a prison called school or having to do work from that hell hole of an institution.

But here, I'm really enjoying myself. If only things could sty like this for a little longer.

I really don't want to leave this dream where I'm having lots of fun.

A/N: So, uh, I'm going to be going on a hiatus for a while. I'll return son, but I don't know when. Although, when I do, they'll be much for frequent updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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