3. Fight me!

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Their expressions made me laugh historically again.

"You're faces are always so priceless! I wish I had my pho—" I came to a realization that if I fell wearing my school uniform, my phone. Must be here somewhere too.


I searched everywhere.

"Peeps! Have you seen a little box thingy with a cover of different characters?"

"You mean this thing?" Yun held up my phone.

"Mother! My savoir!" I ran towards my phone as if it was my long lost love. But, being the clumsy idiot I am, I tripped and fell face first.

"Owie!!" I cried anime tears.

"What's wrong with you?" Yun walked up to me still holding my phone.

When he got close enough for me to take it, I yanked my arm forward to grab it ad hugged it like it was he last Time I was ever going to see it.

'God, you're so dramatic.'

'Who are you?'

'A handsome god.'

'Pfft. Ya right. And I'm a goddess.'

'You're not wrong on that one. . .'

'What the fuk do yo mean?'

'I'm the one who brought you here.'

'What? Why? Answer me dipshit!'

"Y/N, are you alright?" Yona asked me.

"I think she's crazy. I mean look at how she was just talking/arguing with herself." Hak said.

"I said those things out loud, oops." I sheepishly rubbed the back of my head.

"Anyways, can I join you guys?" I asked again.

"Depends, what can you do? I mean, I'm the thunder beast, Yun can do anything and the princess is, well, the princess. So, what can you do?"

"Well, I can. . . Um. . . I can. . ."

'Say you can fight.'

'But I can't.'

'Just say it.'


"I can fight."

"Really?!" They all looked shocked. "Yeah?" I nervously said.

"Prove it."

"Okay. . ."

'Dude, a little help here.'

'Just say, 'power level one,' in your head.


Power level one.

I felt something happen. It felt like I just became stronger.

"Fight me Mr. Grouch."

Hak took the challenge and didn't even bother taking his glave out.

We both got into fighting stances.

He charged first. I dodged in attack. Somehow.

I felt everything in me suddenly become lighter, my instincts became sharper, my body would do exactly what I wanted it to, exactly when I did and I felt myself become a million times stronger.

I went in to attack and landed a solid blow on his cheek. He staggered back a little before smirking.

"Guess I don't need to hold back." He said.

I prepared for any incoming attacks and before I could finish scanning the area, him fist collided with my stomach, making me cough out blood and fly into a tree.

"Heh," I smirked, "You're on, guess I don't need hold back anymore."

'What am I supposed to do now?'

'Say, 'pinpoint,' and you should be able to see his weak points. Aim there.'


My eyes became like scanners, I could see the strengths and weaknesses of everything I looked at. I could see their strength and speed levels along with their heights.

I aimed at the weak points I saw and knocked him off his feet. Although, while I was, he got some solid hits in on me too. By the time we were both tired and couldn't go on anymore, we were both bloody as frick and beat up.

Hak collapsed first and when he did, even though I had no strength left I trudged over to him, using all my strength left, to help him up. Some sunlight gleamed off my hair as I smiled a closed eyed, sincere smile as I put my hand out.

We both rested against a tree after mother scolding us for being so reckless.

Hak chuckled. "I've finally found someone who I can fight against as an equal. And, if I do say so myself it was pretty nice." He smirked.

Yona then ran up to me and grasped my hands.

"L/N-san, we would love for you to join us!"

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