Chapter Three

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As I walked through the aisles of the local grocer, I couldn’t help but admire and awe at each baby that cooed in a stroller. They all looked like such sweet angels, and I walked up and down, tossing things into my metal shopper, daydreaming about how Josh and my baby would look. Standing by the meat counter, I waited for the butcher to wrap up our steaks, as a woman walked up beside me and took a number.

Peeking over at her, I could see she was well into her own pregnancy as her arms wrapped around, cradling her swollen belly. I smiled, and she turned toward me before I could avert my eyes.

“Hello. Do I know you?”

A crimson blush spread across my face at being caught red-handed. I mentally scolded myself for checking out pregnant women and babies, and wouldn’t be surprised if the police showed up soon to arrest and interrogate me, thinking I was a baby snatcher. With a sigh, I finally responded, “I’m so sorry. I was just, er…” I swallowed the nerves down as they attempted to bubble out of me, wringing my fingers together as I prayed the ground would just swallow me up. “I just found out I am expecting, and so I was just in baby world.”

“Oh my goodness, congratulations,” she enthusiastically said as she hugged her round belly a bit tighter. “I am only about seven months along and not quite done cooking.”

Her smile was infectious and so warm that I couldn’t help but mirror her expression. “That is so exciting. Congratulations. Do you know whether it is a boy or a girl?”

Disappointment flashed across her face before she quickly tucked it away. “A boy. My husband is thrilled. I was hoping for skirts and bows, but maybe next time.” She chuckled. “Oh, he is kicking. Apparently he wants me to acknowledge him.” She rubbed her hand in a spot on her right side as I could see the traces of movement inside her belly.

The butcher captured my attention again, passing over my steaks wrapped in the crisp white paper.

“Well, congratulations. I best be getting home before my husband worries.” I waved goodbye as I pushed my cart toward a checkout line.


Walking in, I had bags on each arm stacked up like a pack mule. “Josh, I’m home!” I called through the house, hoping he’d retrieve the rest of the groceries from the trunk.

Rushing around the corner in a pair of basketball shorts, he snatched the bags off my arms in a flurry. “Brooke, sweetheart. You don’t need to be carrying the bags. I will get them all.” He followed me into the kitchen where I began to unload the groceries and put them away.

“Am I allowed to do this?” I sarcastically asked, rolling my eyes up to the heavens. “I’m not an invalid now that I’m pregnant, Josh.” I grumbled as he walked back out to the car.

“Nope, he knows that. He just worries.” Jake’s deep voice spoke from behind me.

Spinning around, I smiled at him. “Jake, is Sav here too?” I asked, hoping for my best friend’s smiling face after this morning.

He rolled his shoulders as his muscles bunched and corded then snatched the package of cookies and opened them. “Nope, I left her self-centered ass at home.”

Narrowing my eyes at Jake, disappointed by his foul attitude, I moved to scold him. “Now Jake. This is Savannah. Don’t act like you didn’t know this before you married her. Before she met you she wasn’t even into the relationship thing. Sav has a plan and is stubborn as hell. You can’t force a baby on her.”

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