Her smile was beauitful

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Jackson POV:

Both Everly and Jasmine fell asleep and I laid there thinking to myself that this was all my fault that Everly got hurt and that Jasmine is scared to death. I hated myself, I should have been home with them, maybe it would have turned out different. I turned to look at both of them and I felt so bad for not being there for them. Everly had a busted lip and she still acted so brave for Jasmine. I put my arms around Jasmine to make her feel safer because she was still shaking. I didn't come home tonight because I promised Zoe that I was gonna stay with her tonight and in the middle of the night I got call from Jasmine, it had to be an emergency because she would never call me at this time. I picked up and she was crying and saying that someone was in the house and Everly was out there and she was in her closet. I told her that I was coming and when I got to the house the police had just got there too, I told them that I lived in that house and we ran in and Everly was being held by the guys. I can tell that she was so scared I ran over to her and she hugged me so tight she almost didn't let me go. Opening the door to Jasmine's closet and seeing her on the floor scared to death made me hate so much. My sister was so scared and I wasn't there to protect her, I was busy being with someone else. I felt so guilty. My parents are gonna kill me.

The next morning I woke up and Jasmine and Everly were not in bed, I went downstairs and they both were eating breakfast and there was also Everly's dad in the kitchen cooking. " Good morning Jackson." Mr. Swanson said with a smile. "Oh good morning Mr. Swanson, thanks for letting us come stay the night." I said walking towards Jasmine and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Call me Michael, and of course I heard about what happened at the house. You guys can stay as long as you want until you feel safe enough to go back." He replied placing a kiss on Everly's head and then said, "You guys enjoy your breakfast, it's the weekend but I still got to go to work." "Thank you for the best waffles!" Jasmine said to Everly's dad. "You're welcome Sweetie." He replied smiling at her.

I helped Everly clean up from breakfast and while I was helping her wash the dishes I said, "Hey I'm sorry that I wasn't there yesterday at home." "It's okay." She said quietly. "No it's not and from now on I promise that from now on I will be home after basketball practice everyday." I said. "Okay, but please don't disappoint Jasmine." She replied.

We spent our Saturday at the amusement park because this was what Jasmine wanted to do and I was gonna do everything to make her take her mind of the incident that happened yesterday. Jasmine was so happy that she got to go on rides and play games, I even won her a big teddy bear. When we came back to Everly's place we got our stuff and then made our way to our house because Jasmine missed her toys so we went back. "What do you want for dinner??" Everly asked Jasmine. "Can we make mac and cheese my favorite." Jasmine replied. "Sure." Everly replied with a smile. I really liked her smile, it was so beautiful. Remember Jackson you have a girlfriend that will probably kill you because you like her enemy. I colored with Jasmine while Everly cooked dinner, I just realized that she was really good at this whole babysitting thing. She knew how to cook, clean, and take care of kids, but most importantly she was also keeping her school grade good. She is one of the most smart student at our school, that's why Zoe hates her so much because she beat her on a math exam one year and everyone liked Everly. "Dinners ready guys." Everly said making my mind go back to reality. "Let's eattt!!" I said tickling Jasmine . "Yayyyy!!!" Jasmine said giggling.

Jasmine made us all sleep in her room again because she was scared that the same thing might happen again we did tell her that they were in jail and there was nothing to be scared of anymore but we still stayed with her because she used her puppy eyes. Everly read her bedtime story and she fell asleep right away. I was facing Jasmine and Everly was also facing her so me and Everly were staring at each other kind of awkwardly but not really, because I really enjoyed looking into her beautiful eyes. "Good night Everly." I whispered. "Good night Jackson." She whispered back with a small smile and turned the other way.

It was Monday meaning time to go back to school and basketball practice after school. Class went okay and quick. I walked by Everly a couple of times and I just tried to keep Zoe away from her because I was tired of dealing with Zoe. Basketball practice had just ended and I was making my way out but Coach stopped me and called me over. "Mackay, you're the best player I have but your grades matter too and you have a F in math and English. You need to switch those to an A in order to play basketball this season." "Yes Coach I will bring those grades up." I said hesitantly. "Make sure you do." Coach said an then walked away. I didn't know my grade was that bad. God what was I gonna do, basketball is my life. I drove home and I was thinking since Everly is the smartest student in school I can ask her to help me. I opened the door and Jasmine and Everly were making dinner. "Hey Jackssss!!" Jasmine said running to give me a hug. "Hey girly." I said kissing her cheeks. "We are making dinner." She said pulling my hand to the kitchen. Everly was chopping up some tomatoes and she looked at me and smiled. "Hey, I was wondering if you can help me with English and Math, I'm kind of failing those two classes?" I asked. "Sure." She replied with a small smile. "Thank you, it's because I have to bring up my grades if I want to play basketball this season." I said. "Yeah I will help you I know how important basketball is for you." She said and then walked to the stove to continue cooking the stir fry.

New chapter, thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and follow me.

Word Count: 1147

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