Chapter One

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„I'll miss you," Scott said to his best friend, while hugging her. „Shh, keep it down. It's not like it's gonna be forever. Just for a little while," he got in response, along with the smack at the back of his head.

As the pack left the house, Stiles, Lydia and Allison turned to go back in. Three girls would usually hang out and wait for the rest to come barging in around 4 am. Stiles turned to go into the kitchen, where she prepared a couple of dishes for the freezer.

„Remind us again, why are you doing that exactly? At least one person will be here to", Lydia started but stopped in the middle of the sentence. Her eyes opened wide, as she recalled the incident of the poisoned pack from Boyd's pancakes and Isaac's orange juice. How they managed to screw that up, will forever remain a mystery. „Never mind, keep going", Lydia muttered as she turned towards the living room.

Stiles chuckled as she portioned the food and put it into freezer. She knew that they will need it, especially now that she's leaving. She has to, she knows that. And Scott knows it. They can hangout on their own, and Isaac can wear a couple of her t-shirts that she left him. The will help him. Derek will have to manage. It's not like she will forever be the one that can barely take it all. And she can't lie to herself that bruises don't hurt. They do. Dear god, do they hurt. She had to find natural remedies to get rid of the pain, random plants and herbal teas. She couldn't take another pill, or her dad would think she's addicted.

„Girls, do you want pancakes? I've made some for the two of you to eat now!" Allison and Lydia sat around the kitchen island as Stiles put pancakes in front of them. „Eat up, I have to get something from my Jeep." She knew this is immoral, but it had to be done. Those two wouldn't shut up for hours, and no matter how much she loved them, Stiles needed them asleep.

Carrying letter in the back pocket of her jeans, she entered the kitchen. Girls were already finished, and standing up to clean up after themselves. As if that would keep her here. „Is it marathon time?", Allison asked, while putting away her plate. Hums and nods followed her question and the trio turned to the living room.

Thirty minutes later, Stiles turned the TV off and covered her two friends. „I'm sorry, and I love you. But I have to do this, please don't be too mad", she whispered as she left a letter on the coffee table. Sneaking upstairs, she went to Isaac's room. Slightly messy, with clothes and books scattered around, she left him a backpack with her t-shirts in it, in case he feels lonely or scared. She knew she'd hurt him, but she was in much more pain. Couple of tears fell on his pillow as she made the bed and left his letter on the nightstand.

Next was the big bad wolf, the alpha, her... Boyfriend? Lover? Maybe. He'd probably use some other word, or just get her naked and do his part. He could be gentle, but that was getting rare nowadays. The relationship turned sour lately, for it was all about sex. Like it was all Derek wanted. And she went with it, mostly because she loved him. Smells could be covered up with a little bit of magic from the Big Wonderful Book of Spells. It had another name, but Stiles used this one. After all, she was the only one using the book.

She got in Derek's room and sat on the bed. Fiddling with the letter, she was thinking if she was doing the right thing. But then again, after all the fights, mindless sex and feeling used she left the letter on his bed, along with his house keys. Stiles knew that this was it.


Stiles spent two hours just in the shower. If she was going to leave them, she has to be completely clean in order to start a new chapter. As she was leaving the shower, glass breaking downstairs grabbed her attention. She knew that he father wasn't supposed to be home yet, so she put on jeans and a sweatshirt, grabbed her bat and sneaked down.

„Hello? Is anybody there?"

Silence filled the house, as she slowly made her way down. As the back door opened, she ran there to see a silhouette running towards the woods. The clock read 3:30 am so she left, knowing that the pack should be on their way home. Stiles went after the man, not realizing she was being followed. While following him deeper into the woods, she heard howling. Deep down, she knew it was Derek leading, with the rest of them following.

Stiles looked around, and turned to go home. There was no point in following anyone anymore, and she could se her father parking the car. The sheriff noticed his daughter and as he opened his mouth to scream, Stiles got hit in the head. She fell, still hearing the howls, begging for her memory to just take them away.

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