"You don't want to hurt me." I said as I looked at Lucifer. I don't what it was but Lucifer needed me. He needed me for something which made me valuable to him. He needed me alive.

"You're right, Ella." He said as he smiled.

"But don't push your luck. I still have your mother." He said with a smile.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Simple, I need you." He said nonchalant.

"Well mister wannabe Lucifer, you can't." I heard Charlotte say. Lucifer laughed.

"You little Shadowhunters are really rebels." Lucifer said amused as if he was happy about the whole situation.

"Don't make me kill all of you." He said as he looked over to me. I swallowed visibly and looked at him. His eyes were terrifying.

"But apart from me. Why?" I asked as if I was demanding a answer. Lucifer looked at me with this weird amusement in his eyes. I couldn't describe it.

"Because you are special." He said.

"I tend to treat people that are special very good." He said with a smile. I scoffed.

"What makes me so special?" I asked annoyed.

"No Ella!" My mother shouted. I quickly looked her way and I could see her teary eyes piercing into mine. It was hurting me to see her like this... She didn't deserve this.

"You are half shadowhunter and half warlock." He said and I shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"So?" I asked.

"You are half demon and half angelic. Something that challenges both." Lucifer said.

"Do you even know how power you can be? With your power, I can make earth my kingdom." He said proudly and I laughed.

"What makes you think I will help you with it?" I asked annoyed. He literally wanted to turn earth into a walking hell.

"Because I got my reasons and your mother." He said with a smirk.

"Why don't you do it yourself? Your the son of god. An angel." I said and Lucifer looked like he had fallen from the sky.

"Don't call me an angel ever again and you know when my father banished me to hell, I somehow got weaker. My connection with heaven was broken. I need you by my side." He said and I shook my head.


"I can't let you do that..." I said softly. I held my seraph blade up and cut him on his arm. Lucifer looked at me in quite a shock. He held his hand up but somehow something stopped him.

"I won't let you touch my daughter." I heard my father say. I smiled at him and with a boost my father knocked over Lucifer.

I quickly turned myself around towards my mother who was still held prisoner. I ran towards her and everyone who came in my way was hit by my seraph blade. It was if I wasn't even controlling the seraph blade but it was controlling me.

As if it was a part of me.

When I finally managed everyone to get away from her, I saw Alec coming towards us with dozen of Shadowhunters. I smiled towards him and helped my mother get free.

"Mum." I said and smiled throughout my tears. I hugged her tightly.

"Ella." My mother breathed out of relief and she held me tightly.

"I am so proud of you." She whispered and I chuckled. When we got out of the hug, I looked at her. I activated her iratze rune and I could see the relief on her face.

"You will be fine. We will go home." I said with a smile. I couldn't believe that I was finally holding her again. My mother was in front of me. I was with her...

"I love you, Ella." She said as she held my cheeks. I nodded.

"I lo-" I saw another person from Lucifer's clan coming towards us. I quickly held my seraph blade up and pushed him away from us.

"Not today." I said throughout my teeth. The man looked at me with an evil grin on his face. He attacked me again but I backed away.

I heard my mother grunt and I widened my eyes.

"NO!" I shouted and with all the energy I had, a power boosted out of my hands which burned the man alive. I could hear him scream in agony but I didn't care.

When I turned around, I saw my mother collapsing on the ground. I shook my head as I quickly held her up and sat on the ground. There was blood coming out of her mouth and her neck. It was as if she was choking on her own blood.

He stabbed her in the neck...

"Mum..." I said softly as I cried. I tried starting her iratze rune but it didn't work.

"It isn't working. Why isn't working?" I asked in panic as some of my tears fell on her face. My mother held my hand tightly.

"I-it doesn't hurt." She said with difficulty. The tears streamed down my face and I shook my head.

"I just got you back. I can't lose you. I can't." I cried as I held her tightly. My mother held me still tightly, ensuring me that I was here for her.

"You won't. I will be always with you. Inside your heart, my love. I have always been a part of you." She said softly and sobbed as I listened to her.

"I won't survive it." I said in a breath.

"You will. I have seen you today... You are the strong, brave but most of all kind hearted warrior I always wanted you to be. You will defeat him." She said as she started gasping for air.

"Mum!" I shouted as I held her tightly.

"I love you." She gasped. I cried out loud as I held her tightly.

"Mum! Please hold on!" I cried and I saw Chris and my father coming towards me.

"Angela!" My father shouted as he held her hand. I saw the terror in his eyes. I knew what it meant... It was too late.

'Thank you' She mouthed towards Chris and he gave her a small smile. I could feel her stop breathing. The life slipping away from her... This was all my fault.

Her eyes were still wide open but the life from it was gone. There was nothing than just black. I cried and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt every nerve inside of me screaming. All I wanted to do was to lash out... I held my mother tightly as I covered my face in her chest.

"Mum..." I sobbed out loud. I looked up and closed her eyes. She was gone...

My mother was gone.

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