"Kaira?" Aja says.

Kaira lifts her head to look in her direction. She hums her response.

"Would you like to be able to see again?" she asks.

My head snaps in her direction. I promise if this is some sick and demented joke, god or no god I will hurt this woman.

"Everybody has tried to give me my sight back when I was a child and nothing worked," Kaira says softly.

"I am the only one that can reverse what my child has done," Aja replies. "And I will do it as a gift to you for being there for her."

"Whoa, wait a minute. Adit took away Kaira's sight?" I ask. "Adit left her blind?"

"Why would she blind me?" Kaira asks.

"That is Adit's story to tell," Aja sighs out.

It clicks then. When Adit killed her parents, she blinded Kaira so she wouldn't see it happen. But why didn't she give her, her sight back? I sit next to Kaira and take her hand.

"I have been without my sight for so long, I don't even remember being able to see." she says.

"It is up to you," Aja responds. "You don't have to accept now or ever. The offer will always be there though, whenever you wish to accept it."

"Thank you."

Kaira looks lost and confused right now. I can feel her pain. I bring her closer to me as I look at Aja. She is standing next to Adit, looking down at her. She leans forwards, whispering something in her ear, before kissing her forehead. She straightens up and smiles in our direction.

"If you two ever need me just call me," she tells us.

The air around us changes again and the blinding light from earlier appears, then dims. The place where Aja stood is now vacant. The room is silent now. I can tell Kaira is in her head, trying probably to figure out why Adit would take her sight. My woman is very bright and it won't take long for her to start putting pieces together. She may not know the whole story but she can form a basic idea with what she knows.

"Did you know?" she asks me out of nowhere.

"Did I know what?"

"Don't play dumb with me. Did you know Adit took my sight?"

"WHAT!!! No, how could you even think that?" I ask. "I would never hide something like that from you."

"Oh really?" she says standing up. "Since you came back you have been hiding something from me."

Her words are a slap in the face. It's true I have been hiding something from her, but not that.

"Fuck Kaira, you really think that I would keep something like that from? Babe come on."

I walk up to her and she backs away. I breathe through my nose and try again with the same reaction. I am getting mad and frustrated.

"Kaira," I say sternly. "Please stop this."

"No," she says pushing me. "I want the fucking truth, Imani."

"You're not supposed to be stressed out. You're having my baby." I plead.

"Oh, don't even try it," she says crossing her arms. "Now fucking tell me what you have been hiding if it was this."

I stand there and stare at her. Fuck all right now, we don't need to be arguing. It feels like since Adit and the world's adventures has stepped into our life we are either in danger or we are arguing. And right now, we are at a standoff.

"I can't," I whisper.

"HA that's funny," she says stepping back more. "We have been together for how long? And other than what? One fight in the beginning when you ran off, we have never kept anything from one another."

"Kaira, it's not even like that babe."

"Then tell me what is it like? My wife. My partner. My fucking soulmate is now keeping secrets from me. Is that not what it's like?"

Well when you put it that way, that's exactly what it's like.

"And you're right I am pregnant with your child," she walks up to me, placing her hands on my chest.

Mayday! Mayday!!!

Running them up my neck to my face.

Danger Will Robinson Danger!!!!

She cups my face and raise up on her tippy toes as she brings my head down to hers.

Serpentine, Serpentine!!!!

She allows my lips to hover above her own. I can feel her breath fanning my face.

Houston, we have a problem!!!

Her fingers are toying with my dreads, as she runs her nails over my scalp to the baby hairs on the back of my neck. My body shivers in response. She leans up and takes my earlobe in her between her teeth, flicking her tongue against it. Before releasing and blowing gently. I can feel the tingles starting to run along my body. I gulp trying to fight it. She pulls my mouth down on hers as she runs her tongue along my bottom lip. My legs almost give out. Her travel down to my breast and I feel the change begin. She pinches my nipples, and I'm at full go. She continues to kiss me, moaning in my mouth. I go to bring my arms around her.


"OH, MY FUCKING AHHHH," I drop to my knees grabbing myself as tears begin to pool in my eyes. I can't even form any real words right now. Only grunts and whimpers. I think my heart has stopped. I definitely can't breathe. I can't cough. I feel the veins in my neck bulging. I feel this shit in my soul.

"And if you want to keep having kids or practicing making kids you will remember this moment," she says standing over me. "That is for keeping something from me. Something I believe is important and we don't keep things from each other."

Stepping over me she goes back to the sofa and sits. I am still on the floor trying to remember how to breathe. I swear my heart really has stopped beating. Why am I still in the change? I think my dick is in shock right now. Fuck that, I'm in shock.

"And as soon as Adit wakes up, I expect to hear the full story that you both have been keeping from me."

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