Maybe friends aren't so bad (Chapter 8)

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(^^^ These are the panties that Mina is holding)

"Aw! Look at these cute panties!" Ashido squealed excitedly.

I bolt up and grab the pair she's holding in her hands. I stuff it back in my drawer, shut it and then lean on the dresser with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"You... Saw... Nothing. Tell no one." I say while trying to hide my blush.

"Don't worry, kero. She won't say anything, neither will we. But, I also think they suit you well." Asui said while putting a hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"Let's just never talk about it ever again... please? Besides, they're not that cute." I say with a small pout.

"Are you kidding?! They're adorable!! And honestly so are you!" Hagakure shouted excitedly.

"Call me cute or adorable again and I'll kick your ass." I say, trying to sound threatening but instead sounding more flustered, because I am more flustered.

"Why don't you come sit back down on your bed and I can fix your hair?" Yaoyorozu suggested.

I nod and sit down on my bed facing away from her. She fixes my hair into a braided ballerina bun, and we all talk for a while. Jiro is nice, she's good at guessing favourite music genres. Yaoyorozu and Asui are very kind and understanding. Uraraka is overly kind but easy to get along with. Ashido is funny and is good at keeping the mood light. Hagakure is nice, but she's kind of hard to keep track of.

Several hours had passed and I was coming out of my shell a bit more. I heard my bedroom door open and I looked up to see papa standing in the doorway.

"Hey pa-Uncle Zashi! What's up?" I say with a small smile on my lips.

He frowned slightly at me calling him Uncle Zashi, "Hey, sweet pea! Your dad was wondering what you girls want for dinner. Anything you want?" He asks them.

"Oh, it's okay! We don't want to be a bother—"

"You're not a bother unless I say you are. I say you're not a bother, so what would you ladies like for dinner?" Daddy asked sternly.

"Um..." All the girls looked at each other and shrugged.

"Alright then how about I make some Yakisoba? You girls aren't picky right?" He suggested before asking their preferences.

They shake their heads no, and he nods before going to make dinner for everyone. He calls out, "By the way, Zashi you can tell them it doesn't bother me."

"Right, yeah!" They look at him confused, "Me and Mr.Grump are dating, it's nothing big." Papa explains with shrug before leaving to find Ko.

"Zashi I swear if you call me 'Mr.Grump' ever again I'm gonna make you sleep on the couch." Daddy shouted at papa as he walked passed the kitchen.

Myself and the six girls started giggling at their cute but hilarious relationship. After a few minutes the seven of us ended up in the living room. Just chatting while playing with the 3 cats that live in the apartment.

Eventually papa came back with both Tashi and Shushu in tow. Tashi was smiling brightly like always, but Shushu was covered in bruises. This worried me and I immediately bolted out of my seat and to my brother.

"Shushu what happened? Are you okay? Why are you covered in bruises?" I spewed question after question asking what happened.

"What's with the shouting? Oh my god, Shu what happened?" Daddy said in a concerned tone grabbing gently by the arms while looking him over.

"I got beat up... some second years calling me a villain and saying that I would never make it as a hero. I'm fine though, you shouldn't worry about it." Hitoshi said with a sad expression.

"No! It's not fine! Zashi you continue making dinner I'm gonna patch him up." I says leaving no room for argument while dragging Shushu off to the bathroom.

I turn and see Ashido and Uraraka with confused expressions.

"Hitoshi is my older brother. I'm technically the youngest of three. Kotashi, Radiohead, is my half brother, Hitoshi is my half brother as well, they aren't related at all.

Me and Hitoshi, same dad. Me and Kotashi, same mother. You get the picture? Good." I explain barely stopping to breathe, Ko chuckles behind me.

The six girls nod understanding the situation and we go back to doing what we were before with Ko butting in every now and then.

Eventually we did eat, and the girls went back to there dorms. Once they left daddy scolded Shushu for how he acted in the situation.

"Don't ever, ever! Come home covered in bruises saying that it's fine, ever again! Do you understand me? It's not fine! If someone treats you like that, you don't say that it's fine! You tell me or any other adult in this stupid high school and we'll handle the situation! Bullying is not allowed in this school, ever!

"I love you! But sometimes you can be so dumb! Don't ever tell me you're being bullied and then proceed to tell me that it's fine and not to worry. You are my kid, I protect you, I take care of you, and I love you with all of my being. It's my job to worry." He ends his scolding there and takes a deep breath.

"Daddy seems more like a mom than a dad right now." I whisper quietly to Tashi, who nods subtly while suppressing a laugh.

Papa glares at us with a disapproving shake of his head, as if telling us that now is not the time to make jokes. We understand and quietly apologize before leaving the room and doing our own thing.

I end up playing in my phone in my room with Cotton laying on my stomach. It was comfortable, in fact it was so comfortable I ended falling asleep without changing into my pyjamas.

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