Aus suggested "let us play 20 question. " I don't have a problem so I agreed by a simple nod.

    "Your favorite color?" he asks what a dump question is that but I really like to answer it.

     "of course BLUE!" no doubt on that.

   "Oh, because it's my eye colour?"

     yes I really love your eye
   " Darling, I know you love them no need to tell me " he grinned at my shocked face.

         Did I said it out or is he reading my mind?

      "I'm not reading you, you are saying that out loud " oh, that was embarrassing.

      After some while playing the game austin suddenly ask me one question which I never expected him to ask me.

     "were you crying at the park" my emotion change to shocked so, it seems he get his answer because he asked me why. How can I be open up to him when I only known him  for 2 weeks, but I don't know why but I feel that I can really trust him.

   Then when he understand I'm not going to talk anytime soon, he start talking about once his friends and him done. The story was fun I was laughing a lot, even I was giggling like I'm a little girl.

       I even forgot about my parents divorce, he is driving me crazy. I know I don't have to say like that because I barely know him.

      I heard when the front door opens and Austin mom comes while carrying some bags. Austin jump off to help her with the bags, it was my first day to actually meet her.

    She have a blonde hair which reach on her shoulder, have a blue eye as Austin and her skin was glowing. She notice me and give me a best smile.

     "Who is this beautiful girl Austin? "
She asked referring me as a beautiful girl, honestly I really like her.

   "she is a friend mom"

   "I never thought you will bring girls to our home, but it's okay don't worry she is beautiful" I can feel blushes creeping up on my face.

    "Hey, beautiful girl what's your name? I have never seen you around"

  "I'm Marianna, I'm just new to the town I came to visit my grandparents"

    "Ohh what a beautiful name , my name is Andrea Parker call me only andrea sweetie "

   "Okay I will for sure"

    I hung out with Austin for a while, but I need to go home, I have to face my parents too.

    Austin drove me to home, the drive to home was silent only the radio was filling the silence. Austin park the car and we sat there for a moment, I mumble thank you then when I get try to get out, he grab my arm and stop me.

    My little mind was thinking he was going to kiss me and his hand is giving spark to my body, my heart is beating so fast it seems it's going to pop out anytime soon.

    He just give me a hug, okay for sure I wasn't expecting that but it feels warm to be on his arm, my body seem to relax by his warm body.

    When he let go of me we both mumble goodnight and I walk towards the front door, austin didn't go until I get inside the house it's so sweet of him.

     The house was so quiet, I was about to go upstairs when I notice granny on the living room. She seems a bit sad, I sat next to her.

  "your grandpa is dead ........"



   Hello my lovely readers, how have you been? I hope you guys are taking care please don't forget to wash your hands, use sanitizer and wear masks. Stay home and read together.

    How is the chapter? It's bit short and I'm really sorry for that.

   Any ship yet like
    •drar(char and drake)........... Please tell me what you guys really think.

   I'm sorry for not updating so soon, I was busy the whole week.

Oh I forgot please touch the star button, comment if You have any suggestions and share if you love it.

The picture is betselot and sinafiksh ----------Δ

   Don't forget to stay at home
        Keep clean
              Always take care
                      Lots of lots of love
                                   Hemi 😍

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