Thain cleared his throat. "We can rest here for tonight. Tomorrow, we cross into the Wyldes. We'll be in Summer territory briefly, then the unclaimed Wyldes for a couple days before we reach Eberon's estates."

Spaulder came into the main room after having explored every other space in the outpost. "And this is where we begin our mission to repair the barrier and bring justice to DuVarick?"

"Justice to DuVarick will not come easily, and it depends on your idea of justice," Thain said. 

Spaulder grinned. A devil's promise in his eyes. "You do not wish my idea of justice on those who have wronged Wren and Schula."

Thain smirked. "I am not so sure, friend. By the end of all this, I will know that Wren and Schula have a safe home wherever in the Wyldes they damn well please."

"DuVarick cannot be trusted with the Winter court," Nassir added.

His expression was hard, but still sad. I couldn't imagine what he was going through during all this. He never deserved what he had been subjected to. He knew it, we knew it, DuVarick knew it somewhere in his madness.

"The Winter court is at fault for following a madman," Schula said calmly. "But the people still deserve better."

She shared a look with Nassir. The empty space between them filled with a silent promise between Winter fae. Whatever they needed to do to put the Winter lands at peace, I would help them.

Spaulder sighed, crossing his arms. "As long as our path is decided then, let us eat."

Schula sighed. "Yes, I'm starving. I miss Eberon, if only because he was willing to cook when we were here."

I smiled at the memory. "I'll cook tonight if you like," I offered. "Soon enough your turns cooking can end as we can buy food in the city."

"Or at least have prepared food from Eberon's mother," Thain added. "The estate is doing all they can to make everyone comfortable as Eberon holds these talks. A full belly goes a long way towards agreement."

"I must ask, to be safe," Nassir said. "Are there steps I must take before stepping on Autumn lands? I am, after all, a citizen of Winter."

That... is a very good question.

Spaulder, Nassir, and I looked to Schula and Thain for an answer.

"No," Thain said. "Eberon's family estate borders the untamed Wyldes, and for the duration of this summit of leadership, the estate is considered neutral territory."

Nassir nodded. "Thank you."

"It's getting late enough that I don't want to make more plans just now," Schula said. "Wren and I will cook dinner, the rest of you figure out what we can make use of here. Take baths, go hunting, whatever you want. Just say close."

"Right," Thain agreed. 

And we spent a rare evening with a roof over our heads, and a hot bath within reach. Whatever other troubles lay ahead, we were at least rested for them.

One could only hope.


The sun peeked through the curtains and fell across my face. 

I groaned, rolling over in the bed I shared with Schula for the night. Puko sat in our open window, resting in the gentle breeze behind the curtains. 

But he didn't block out enough light to keep it off of me and Schula, who was even more reluctant to wake up. 

"I need another hour," she mumbled under the blanket that she had pulled over her head. 

Wylde Magic | Book 3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें