Perfect View

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    She moves so perfectly. It should be a sin to move so gracefully, her hips sway with every step she takes her long legs take small steps even her squatting is something I can look at for hours.

   Short brown hair frames her face big square glasses cover her face making her eyes seem bigger, brighter. Her nose isn't small or straight, it has a scar and edges slightly to the left making her look a little tough, she wears black jeans, she has on a red shirt that says, Talk N. ER. Dy. To me, she moves around the brunt up apartment with a camara snapping away at everything she thinks will help and I'm loving the way she bites on her lip when she thinks.

I hear the beat of the song she listens to from the entrance, I tried calling out to her but after a couple of tries decided to let her finish it's not like she can hear me anyways. I've been standing here for 15 minutes straight and she hasn't even noticed.

People have come and gone, the building was searched top to bottom, evidence packed up, all we need is for her to finish but she looks like she's enjoying herself, why would I pull her away from what she loves.

  She stands up straight and removes an earbud. I hold my breath trying to keep my presence from disrupting what ever it is she's found or any idea forming in her head.

"Hey James, I heard you were here, what are you looking at?" Ofcourse. Ofcourse why would I have thought that sending Kenny to fetch coffee would take long or that he would understand the fact that I just wanted him gone.

  Naomi turns wide eyed towards my direction and at the precise moment Kenny makes it to my side.

"Oh. Hey Naomi, your still here. Find anything interesting?" Kenny's voice catches her attention yet again making her brake eye contact with me and direct it at him.

  "I think so, but I'm not really sure." Her voice is as soft as cotton and I want to record it and listen to it every night. I'm sure it could chase my nightmares away and help me fall asleep in no time. It proyects nothing but comfort.

  With her left hand she pushes her glasses up and my smile falls. There it is, it's always there, has been since the moment I meet her, that shiny stone and gold band. I would have gotten her something alot fancier because thats all she gives out. Her aura, ok ignore that word. Her body, the way she talks, moves and even maybe looks is nothing but sophisticated. She can make an old pair of jeans look like they were an expensive brand. And ofcourse she would be taken, ofcourse there's some significant other in her life, I mean who wouldn't want to tie her down, figurative and literally, if she asked me I would so do it. No questions asked. Heck I'd let her tie me up and take pictures, this women is the definition of ethereal.

  And there is no chance that who ever has her will fuck up any time soon. I've known her for a year and I've admired her every day since.

"Really, what was it? Let me see." Shut the fuck up Kenny. Go home.

"Oh sure, let me just..." and there she goes again. Losing herself in her work searching through her pictures to find what I'm assuming is a lead. She makes her way towards us and stands right infront of me. She's not small, shes almost as tall as me and I love it. God kissing her could be so comfortable, if only she was single.

  She tries to hand the camera over to Kenny but forgets she has it hanging from her neck wich ends up being a problem because he grabs and pulls and she comes flying straight towards me.

Yes, fucking Kenny finally did something right. I will finally get to touch her not just shake her hand.

  Her hands land on my chest and before her body makes contact she pulls away snatching the camera of Kenny's hands. Fuck, she caught herself just in time, I didnt get the chance to actually touch her.

   I stare at her while she attempts to fix her appearance and when she looks up my worlds stops. She's blushing, her face is as red as a cherry  her brown eyes look at me searching my face for anger or discomfort but when she finds none she smiles.

  Wow, just wow. I didnt think she could get any better but here she is smiling. I've never seen such divine smile. Look at me using big words.

  Her hands moves again to push her hair behind her ear and the ring mocks me yet again. Shes not even left handed why does she use that hand for everything!

  "Um I'll just  show you when I'm certain. I'm almost done here so you guys can go on ahead." Hell no. Nope. I'm gonna stay right here.

"Are you sure we can always wait for you." My head snaps at Kenny and my  eyebrows draw together in confusion. Why the fuck is he saying we ?   Who told him I would be coming with him.

"Yeah Ken go ahead." Hold up. Hold the fuck up, did she just call him Ken?

  My head snaps back in her direction and I'm sure she can see nothing but bewilderment because I was at the moment as confused as the day I was born.

"Alright see you at the office." She nods her head and gets back to work and Kenny starts to walk away but I dont move, not even an inch. I'm pretty sure I'm not breathing, but who needs air and you got such perfect view.

"You coming buddy?" God wasnt he leaving? I turn towards Kenny, waiting to see what he wants. But he just stares at me.

"Uh, Gage, where is Suggs? I'm pretty sure I told you to take him with you everywhere." Kenny start laughing catching yet again the attention from the awe-inspiring angel in the room.

She giggles at his behavior and although I've heard it before my mouth waters, my heart beat increases and I cant help the smile that spreads across my face.

"Yeah, he's in the car, but we have something to talk about." He pauses every now and then through the sentence trying to hold back his laugh.

  "It can wait, I'm not leaving Naomi alone at a crime scene." I'm sure she can defend her self. All she has to do is wrap them long toned legs around her attackers neck and his done for. But I'm still not leaving her.

  "I'm actually all done." I turn to see her picking up her equipment and making her way towards us, side stepping me and heading towards the entrance.

"Fucking asshole, I cant belive you out of all people are my beat friend." I shove Kenny out my way and he laughs following me outside.

Suggs is leaning on Naomi's car smoking a cigarette with her standing next to him laughing at what ever he had said. Competition. That all my brain registers and before I can go towards them and make him put out the cig and get in this car Kenny holds me back.

"Dude you are so Whipped and shes not even yours. Atleast try to have a conversation with her."

"Shut up Kenny, I've talked with her."

I head towards my car pulling my keys out of my pocket hating the idea of leaving her with Suggs but like Kenny said, shes not mine.

"No, she talked at you, to you, for you, about you, but never with you. It's like you loose the ability to speak." Hold up did he say about me?

"You said about me?"

"Ofcourse that the only thing you heard dude. I'm wasting my time. Just talk to her." And he walks away.

  I get in my car and watch as they get in theres and pull of on to the road and head their separate ways. And after I see her leave I get moving myself. No point in sticking around when shes already gone.

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