Back on Track

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I really enjoyed writing this one guys, let me know what you think!

"I was runing down the alley way trying to keep up, I mean honestly you would think with him being so over weight he wouldn't even think about running. But he did and boy could he run I was super shocked. It took me a minute to compose my self and go after him." There was a couple of chuckles and teasing words thrown around but the story kept going.

"He turned a corner making me belive that was it, I had lost him, when I turn the same corner the first thing i noticed was a fense at the end of the alleyway then I noticed that it didnt stop him or slow him down. Leaving me breathless and shocked he started climbing the damb fence, the sick mother fucker could not only run but also climb, and I was done. I was sure there was no way he could pull one more thing to surprise me but after I jumped the damn fense wich I will admit took some effort I saw him jump over the bonnet of a fucking moving car making his way through the traffic all the way to the other side with out a fucking scratch!" He threw his hands out in aspiration making me laugh at the defited look on his face.

He was so over the whole thing and everyone making him re-tell the story over and over, it had been a week but everyone was enjoying how it was all bothering him.

  Kenny stood in the front of the room pacing while he told the story of how he got a hold of Nemesis right hand  man. I read the file already I knew all the details to what happend and how it happend but hearing him telling it never got old.

  "I was getting tired I ran after the fool for 5 fucking blocks and then he stops, he just stops runing and turns around loocking completely defeated. He was sweaty, smelly and panting so hard I could hear a wissing sound coming of off him so I stepped foward to grab his arm, and that's how this happend." He pointed at his face where he was sporting a nice shiner and had an almost fully heald split lip.

  And that did it, everyone laughed, they laughed so hard he was cussing them out.

  "Fuck you! Every single one of you! The bitch hit me, square in the eye and then again on the lip, but that was all he could manage before I over powered him and cuffed him up reading him his rights." And then he pointed at me making me arch my eyebrow in question.

  "And if you ever tell Lana all of this our friendship is over! I'm still trying to win her trust and love and me loocking like a complete weakling isnt going to help." He was so aggravated his face turned red, as if Athena didnt know.

  I'm sure she hacked into out system just to figure out exactly what had happend to Kenny, who was keeping it from her telling her he couldn't talk about it.

We were slowly but efficiently tying the case up, Nemesis was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parol and no visitation, but I'm sure there was no way she had anyone to actually come visit. We tried getting her to tell us where she had the girls but she said nothing. Pleaded guilty and sat threw the hearing as if she had done nothing wrong.

Kenny was pursuing Lana who was making it hard on him now that Ruben was back in the picture. I'm sure they had nothing going on but shes was still hurt and in some way this was her getting back at him.

  Ally from what I heard from Kenny was back to her normal self, she wasn't talking to me at all and only talked to Kenny when it had to do with Lana but even then she kept it short.

I on the other hand was miserable, no idea how I was gonna convince them to let me explain myself and everything that had happend but I wasnt giving up.

I nod my head at Kenny and smirk when he doesn't lower his hand.

"Come on Ken you and I know she probably already know what happened." He starred at me for a while and then dropped his arm and place his hands on his waist lifting his head up to the ceiling.

"Fucking hell your right. That's why she hasn't been pushing me for answers she already knows!" I laughed at his reaction to finally realizing that he wasn't really hiding anything from her but yet again lying and that's probably why Ruben was still around.

  He moved fast to collect his belongings and was about to step out the door when I called for him.

  "I'm sorry Agent Gage, but would you mind telling me where the hell you are going?" I rouse from my seat loocking straight at him.

"Com on man, I need to fix it." His face fell with my next words but he nodded none the less and sat on his chair looking lost.

  "I dont care about your personal life Agent Gage, sit your ass down and let finish this meeting, your not the only one wanting to get home to his loved ones." I turned to the board and crossed out the name Rober McNeil and then circled the next in the list.

  "Alright guys our focuse is now on Armando, hispanic, bald, 5"11', no family that we know of and is said to reside on the outskirts of town alone. I'm gonna need Carlos and Steven to detail him, let me know where he goes, who he meets and if he might lead us somewhere. Either way by next week I want he brought in with or with out information we are locking his ass up!" I turn again and cross my arms waiting for Carlos and Steven to confirm and when they do I look back at Kenny.

"Kenny" his head snaps in my direction and I point at the new guy.
"This is Special Agent Quintin Suggs, he will be your new partner. Show him around, take him out for a drink, get to know each other. Bond cause from now on you have to be able to trust eachother with your lives. And for the love of God get my sister the most expensive chocolates you can find and Fix. This. Shit. Now. Before I lose my cool."

  He nods his head multiple time and extends his hand out to the new guy one of the other guys come up to me asking me questions and half way through our conversation I notice the Kenny is still standing around.

"GAGE!" His body turns in a matter of second toward me hand shaking and body stiff, you would think we aren't friends and that I've been his boss for years. "Did I not tell you to go fix shit with my sister?" He scurries to again collect his belongings and speed walks towards the door again.

"Take your partner with you. Who knows, if he doesn't already know that you shouldn't lie to the girl you say you love he might learn today why he shouldn't." And he stops, hand on the door handle and head bowed.

"James, dude, please." Is all he says but I smirk at his back.

"What Ken?" I lean my hip on the table and cross my arms over my chest I can hear everyone else quietly laughing and whispering around us but I pay them no mind.

"Are you honestly gonna make me take him?"

"Your still on and his your partner. Bonding buddy remember?" He nods his head and opens the door stepping out being followed by Suggs who looked confused and amused all in one.

"Suggs" he halts in his step and turns towards me.

"Stay in the car and if it looked like she gonna get fisical call me. My sisters can be a little unpredictable sometimes." He nods his head and heads of to find Kenny.

"Alright guys remember, heads up, chest out and badges visible. We all have some one wanting us to get home."

The guys start to file out of the room slowly leaving me alone with the paperwork that I would have to go threw this week before next weeks meeting. With a huff I sit on my chair and get to work opening up a folder and hoping to be done soon so I can go home and drink myself to sleep.

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