Bloody Reunions

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Ethan Carter sat in the back of his best-friend Ashton Ross's treasured suburban mini-van that Ash had gotten for his nineteenth birthday from his foster-mother Pamela Wilkinson. Ashton never talked about his real parents much less about his past. He's a pretty strange guy but if you ever met him you would think otherwise. Truthfully, the only things that Ethan and the rest of Ash's friends truly knew about Ash was that he had no living relatives and that he was born on October 16th. Ethan was beyond curious about his childhood friend but never did he do anything to quench his curiosity.

Ethan let his dark forest green irises blink as he glanced out the tinted glass window of the mini-van. The only thing that he could see was miles and miles of old oak trees. His eyes flickered up to look at the sky. It was dark out, a few dark grey looking clouds were hiding the mystifying stars and the moon from sight.

He chewed on his bottom lip nervously, they were supposed to have arrived in Boulder, Colorado six hours ago. Yet here they were...still driving. None of them had ever been to Colorado before, they all were supposed to have been going college-hunting together. And of course they had chosen to use a GPS to guide them on their way.

Ethan glanced uneasily at the guy next to him. He wasn't exactly friends with the guy and he wasn't the guys enemy. Ethan only knew the guys name which was Kaito Rivera. Kaito had medium-long dark black hair that gleamed whenever the light shone on it. He also had dark brown eyes that closely resembled the color of the midnight sky. Usually, he wore leather and chains. Just last summer, he bought a shadow motorcycle. If he caught you looking at it, you were as good as dead. A rumor about Kaito being an ex-member of the Japanese mafia was spreading like wild-fire.

Kaito pursed his thin pale lips together into a straight line as he cocked his head to the left, his cold brown hues glared daggers into Ethan's soul. "I'm sorry, is there a problem Ethan?" Kaito asked abruptly, his voice sounded rough and scratchy.

"Eh, no." Ethan's replied his voice sounding shaky and scared. He quickly diverted his eyes from Kaito's and mashed his lips together as to not saying anything that would make Kaito angry. Suddenly, the car let out a loud screeching sound sending the three boys flying forward. Thank god that they had, had enough sense to put on their seat belts beforehand or they would most likely be dead from the impact of them hitting something and go flying through the windshield.

Kaito immediately got out of the car to check to see what was wrong with it. "The tires are ripped to shreds..." Kaito shouted from his position behind the car, a hint of curiosity was evident in his voice.

"Now what're we going to do!" Ashton yelled in frustration as he pounded on the steering wheel with his clenched fist.

Ethan looked around at his surroundings so that he could get a good sense of how they were going to get out of this situation. A house roughly about a few yards (Actually 133 yards from them) away from where they were at. The house was a light color of yellow it also had a small brown-painted porch and it looked like it was made from bricks. A glass paned window was hovering on the top of the house. Overall, it was your everyday ordinary house, excluding the fact that it was in the middle of no where. It practically screamed, this-house-belongs-to-an-innocent-old-lady-with-too-much-time-on-her-hands.

He let out a deep breath and swallowed before he began to speak, "Well, there's a house over there." He pointed in the direction of the house to show them what he was talking about. "We could go get help..." He hesitated slightly, what if the house belonged to a murderer? He shook his head lightly letting his caramel locks of hair fall into his face, that stuff only happens in horror movies...right?

The two boys glanced in the direction Ethan was pointing in and looked back at him with uncertainty evident in their eyes. "What if they're not home?"

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