#1 A Bad day

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Here's talking
Just an tip for you.

   Stupid Kacchan. What if I really did take your advice? What would you do then? I fished my hero note book out of the water. At that moment my phone began to ring.


Izuku:" Hello?"

Caller:" Hey, is this Izuku Midoriya?"

Izuku:" Yea, who's asking?"

Police:" I'am an policeman and I'am here to tell you that your mother got into a bad car accident."

Izuku:" WHAT!? Where is she? How is she? Is she ok? Ars you there right now? Can I see her? Where is she right now?!"

Police:" Um oh ok. She is in The hospital on main street, room 1117."

Izuku:" THANK YOU!!" I hung up the phone and dashed to the hospital. In the tunnel, past the train station, through traffic, and soon enough the hospital it self. Ok. The front desk isssssssss THERE! Ow! I accidentally stubbed my toe. I look at it later. I really hope she is ok. Hopefully she is ok.

Izuku:" Hey. Iam here for a Inko Midoriya."

Random lady:" Oh yes, she is in surgery right now.  What is your relationship to the patient?"

Izuku:" Iam her son. Izuku Midoriya."

Random lady:" Okay Midoriya, you can take a seat."

Izuku:" Will you tell me when she gets out?"

Random Lady:" Yes, we will notify you when she gets out."

Izuku:" Thank you." I sat down in the nearest seat and began to wait. I probably won't have to go the school tomorrow. I don't have to worry about Kacchan.
1:30 nothing happened

2:29 A whole family came in.

3:38 A person threw up.

5:13 Doctors was rushing in and out of the doors.

5:26 The doctors are now rushing equipment into the doors

5:38 A Doctor came up to me. Thank goodness. Finally a update. Wait, something's not right. He looks uneasy.

Doctor:" Your Mother. I couldn't save her. Iam sorry. She died at 5:31." I felt as if my whole world got turned upside down. The women who gave birth to me, helped me, comforted me when I needed her the most....was gone. I loved her. I was in rush this morning and I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. I didn't even get to say good bye. The tears started falling. I couldn't stop them. I didn't even get to say I loved her, one last time. She was the only person who believed in me. She loved me when nobody else did. Now's shes gone. Out of my life. Forever. If I could just see her. One.last.time. She was all I had. Now I have nothing. I have nothing at all. She was only thing keeping me in this world. Now she is gone. What do I have to live for? What's the purpose of life? I broke down. My knees buckled underneath me. What a pathetic sight it must be. A boy, on his knees, tears flowing like a river.

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