That made me comfort somehow. But..

"But doctor are you sure that I didn't lose any part of my memories?" I was still confused.

"Yes Sharanya trust me. If you can't then ask Dr Amit Sharma. He was your doctor for neurological issues. He was there for the whole time." She said, concern was visible on her face clearly.

I looked at my watch, 2:45pm.

I need to go now. I can come here anytime if I need to which I don't think is needed anymore!

"I guess Doctor, I need to leave now. Otherwise I shall miss more classes." I said, somehow I felt relieved.

"Ok Sharanya, take care. Come here whenever you need any query. I will be there always." She smiled to me brightly.

"Thank you Doctor." I stood up from my chair and left the cabin. I needed to reach the college as soon as possible otherwise I could get caught.

I was thinking about our conversation; though she had assured me about this but I still found something missing.

She told me to put down my stress. May be this can help me to find out what I want to!

I exited from the hospital after a while to find an Auto.

Third Person Point Of View

At the afternoon of 3:45 o'clock a man wearing a doctor's coat entered into a room. The name plate could be seen on the door, Dr Amit Sharma, Neurology Department.

After entering into his cabin he saw a healthy middle aged woman sitting on a chair.

"Dr Mehera, Good Afternoon. What's bring you here so suddenly?" He sat on the other chair facing Dr Mehera. They were separated by a glass table.

"She had come today." She said with a matter of fact face.

"Whom are you talking about?" He said while arranging his files on his table.

"Sharanya Bist." She said looking at him.

He stopped on his track, looked at her with shocked face finding anything on her face which could tell that she was joking as she joked sometimes between any conversation. Though she never did in the case of any patients till now. But found nothing.

"To meet you." She had spoken again never leaving his eyes from her.

"But why?" He kept his all files and fully concentrated on her.

"To ask questions about her past and if she was missing some kind of memories or not." Odhni said.

"What does that even mean? Didn't that work properly last time? You had said she could not remember anything after that! Then what's this?" His face panicked slidely.

"Yes. It did work that time. But I guess it is breaking now. The shield is breaking now." She said by emphasis the word shield.

"Does it lead her towards destruction? What you have said to her?" Amit was worried.

"I said whatever we have discussed last time. But.." She stood up from her chair and went near the window. The sun was till on its horizon. Spreading it's beams last time to the nature. The birds were coming their home.

"But what?" Amit was impatient looking at that woman.

"This time it is not forced by any external agents. Her brain is working and creating pressure by own for absorbing more information to her." She said still looking at the window.

"Let me guess, so her brain is prepared now?" He said; excitement could be observed on his face.

"Yes, in other words she is healed now. Now she is becoming the original Sharanya. Not that one which WE HAD CREATED two years ago!" She finally turned back to him.

"Hopefully she can recover her memories now." He said with a wishful smile.

"Let's wait for it. The person who can help Sharanya now is only her!" She said again looked at the window sighing deeply.


Somewhere In A Dark Room

A girl on her early 20's was sitting on a chair watching something from her table. The whole room was semi dark as the only source of light was the table lamp. It could be seen that the Sun had finally set on west. Darkness consumed the whole nature.

The girl was flipping the pages of an album. Suddenly stopped on her track after seeing a particular photo where two girls were smiling on the camera and holding each other's hand.

"I hope you are doing well now, Sharanya!" She whispered lowly.

Weeping her eyes from preventing to fall the tears which was still visible on her sad brown eyes. She was smiling.

Then she closed her album slowly and kept it on her table.

A diary was kept on the same table. She was caressing it slowly, the name was visible on it.


Hey guys this is the ending of the chapter. Enjoy.
Stay home and stay safe.

I AM YOURS FOREVER ShivAnya/ShiVik Fanfiction (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon