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Third P.O.V

Something had captured the blonde's eyes. In the far distance on top of a hill there was a castle. Kaminari stared at it and rubbed his arms together. "I better go check that out...maybe they know how to get the hell out of here"

Following with his plan, Kaminari walked along the dirt path that seemed to be faded but still there. The moon was set high in the sky, the light illuminating the blonde as he walked down the path.

Gusts of winds swished passed and made Kaminari shiver. Grumpily he muttered, "stupid wolf had to bite my stupid jacket...now I'm cold as fuck..."

Since the path to the castle was pretty long, Kaminari decided that the best thing to keep himself from getting bored as he walked the long distance was to talk to himself. And he did just that for the time being.

While walking the blonde looked down at his bleeding hands. His breath hitched as another gust of wind swished by and the pain in his hands has risen. "My hands sting like hell and so do the scratches on my knees, arms and neck...fuck!"

Slowly tears started to prick the corner of his eyes, but he quickly wiped them with his arm. Shaking his head and the sudden feeling of crying, Kaminari decided to speed up his pace so that he can to the castle and ask for directions out the forest and back home.

"Kaminari!" Mina called out. "Stop hiding and come out!"

The group of friends decided to go inside the forest together to look for their missing friend who they were very concerned for. They all agreed that after they'd find the poor soul they'd beat the crap out of him for scaring them and then they'll apologize for sending him into the forest.

"Guys" Sero called out to his friends as his voice trembled. "What if Kami really is dea—"

"Sero" Bakugou said sternly, shocking everyone who was there. "Kaminari ISN'T dead so stop being fucking pessimistic and keep looking for him!"

Kirishima stared at Bakugou and couldn't help but blush. If Kaminari getting lost meant a calm, collected—and might I add hot—Bakugou, he should've sent him ages ago. "Y-yeah, what Bakubro said! Let's keep looking for him"

Mina patter Sero's back and once he was feeling a bit better they continued the search for the blonde.
They keep looking for a little while and then Mina came to a sudden stop. She walked over to a tree that was a few inches in front of her and bent down. The boys stared at her with confused looks in their faces.

"What did you find, Mina?" Kirishima asked as they took steps to be closer with the pink haired girl.

Mina grabbed the item and when she turned around to face the boys, they all sweat dropped. She pulled out Kaminari's navy blue denim jacket—which was now ripped and had claw marks on the back.

"I-I-Isn't this...K-Kaminari's..?"

The blood drained from everyone's faces.

After what seemed like hours walking along that dirt path, Kaminari had now reached the end. His chest rose up and down and he lifted his head to look at the tiny castle from miles away who looked huge from inches away.

The castle looked so pretty and in a rather well state despite it being in a forest that no one dared to go in. If there was a way to describe it, Kaminari would say that this castle looked something that came out of the brother Grimm's fairy tail stories.

"Woah..." the blonde breathed out in awe as he kept staring at the tall medieval building. The light of the moon touching the grey cobblestone walls, creating shadows below. Five massive, round towers form an almost perfectly squared barrier around this marvelous castle and are connected by high, firm walls made of light red stone. Simple windows are scattered here and there across the walls in a seemingly random pattern, along with huge crenelations for archers and artillery.

"Holy shit..!" Kaminari breathed out. "Now I really feel like I am either going fucking crazy or am in a fucking fairy tale" He walked over to the sizable gate with broad wooden doors and reached his balled hand to knock on the door.

Knock knock

No one answered.

Knock Knock

No one answered.

Kaminari was about to knock for a third time when the doors suddenly opened. Kaminari stared at the door weirdly and then gathered up the courage to walk in. He could've just turned around and walked away, but no—he walked straight in.

The blonde took a few steps in cautiously. His vision hadn't adjusted to the sudden darkness around him and there was no light to guide his footsteps, so he entered the castle carefully.

As if they had motion detectors, the long candelabras all lit up one by one. Kaminari jumped and looked around the now illuminated room. The blonde looked around and his eyes widen in surprise. He looked up and down and all around and stumbled on his feet.

Kaminari was standing on pearly white marble tiles that connected to velvet colored walls. Walls that were decorated with antique paintings, long curtains that draped from all sides, and lights that illuminated designs on those velvet walls. There were two corridos on each side of the massive stairway that was placed right in the middle.

"What the fuck..." the blonde breathed out and walked towards the small table placed on his left. He let his fingertips tenderly touch the edge of the table as they picked up small bits of dust.

Kaminari turned his head and walked towards the grand piano. He inspected the instrument and noticed that there's was a bit of dust on the keys. His fingers trailed along the keys, one of them accidentally pressed a key and played a note.

"Oh shit," He cursed. The note echoed all around the walls and ringed inside the blondes eardrums.

A loud creak was heard and Kaminari turned his head to where the noise belonged too. Up above the top of the staircase opened a window. The window let in cool air and bright light. Curious, Kaminari left the grand piano and started taking steps towards the bottom of the staircase.

Before the blonde could to any further, footsteps were heard and when Kaminari looked up he saw a mysterious figure at the top of those stairs.

"W-W-Who are you?" The blonde fixed his eyes on the man standing above him, gripping the rails of the stairs tightly in fear.

After a small hiatus, I
finally published chapter 2!
I will keep these chapters with around 1000+ words mainly because I want this story to be longer than it should be. I will try to update consistently,
but I doubt it'll happen. Also I'm not very
good with descriptions, so feel free to correct me or give me advice in the comments below!
Thank you.

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