"Got anything?" asked Anna.

"Nothing," replied Elsa, "Looks like there's only one place left to go..."

The two looked down again into the water, its eeriness still looming over them.

"There's no way to tell for sure how deep it is," said Elsa, not taking her eyes off the water, "I'll go first."

"What? No –" Anna began to protest, but was quickly cut off by her sister.

"Anna, listen to me –"

"No, listen to me! I get that you're my elder sister and you want to protect me and all. But things are different now. You don't have your powers anymore, I do. Let me go first."

Elsa took one look at Anna, saw the fiery determination she had in her eyes, and sighed. There was no talking her sister out of this. She took a step back to allow Anna to get in front of her.

"You're right. But be careful, okay?"

Anna smiled at her. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

Anna stood over the water, her heart beating rapidly. She had no idea what was about to happen next. How deep was the water? Was there a dangerous creature in the water? What if the water was poisonous to the touch? What if she drowned?

No, she couldn't let these thoughts cloud her now. Right now, all she needed was answers on how to undo the curse. Answers she would only get from Mimir, who was probably somewhere at the bottom of the well. She had to do it. She took a deep breath, and jumped into the water.

Anna felt her body enter not a body of water, but a pool of nothingness. She opened her mouth to scream, but her throat had gone dry. As she free-fell through the darkness, she noticed that she was still perfectly dry, which was odd, considering the fact that she had just jumped into water. She heard her sister's cries trail after her.


Her attention now turned to her sister. Was Elsa okay? But Anna couldn't do anything about it now. She was falling, probably to her death, and could do nothing about it. Just as the reality of it all started to hit her, she felt something soft and rubbery cushion her fall. She heard a soft thud as her sister landed beside her.

"Anna! Are you hurt?"

"Apart from the fact that I thought that I was going to fall to my death? Yeah, I'm fine. What just happened?"

Elsa looked up. "I think we just fell through a portal of some kind."

Anna looked up as well, and saw a shiny circle high up above them. Even now as she squinted her eyes, Anna could just barely make out the reflection of clear skies that they had seen in the mysterious water just moments earlier.

"Woah, a secret portal? Cool!" exclaimed Anna as she stood up to brush herself off. "What are we standing on? It's so dark that can't see – hang on." Anna raised one arm, opened her palm so that it was facing upwards, and produced a blueish glow that was often associated with her magic. "Much better."

Although the glow of her magic was dim, it was just enough so that the both of them could now see that they were standing on an intricate weave of long, green tentacles. Elsa bent down to examine them.

"I've never seen anything like this before, they look like roots of some kind."

"Whatever it is, they just saved our butts. Where do you think we are?" asked Anna as her attention now shifted to their foreign surroundings, which wasn't much of a sight. All around her was an inky black darkness, the only thing that they could see was the roots they were standing on.

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