Chapter 15🔅

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As Jaeden seemed to date this new person Jack has set him up with, Wyatt had started to hang out with Finn more. Simply because he spent most of the time alone in his dorm, so he thought why not invite his best friend to play some good ol' mario kart.

"I swear to god- if you attack me with that stupid banana again I will fuck you up, Wolfhard!", Wyatt yelled, barely being able to hear anything because of the loud music that was playing in the background.

"Fuck you! Slow down, you bitch!", Finn cursed, finding it not only difficult, but also a talent, to play mario kart and smoke weed at the same time.

Both were wondering who would win in mario kart when one was high and the other drunk, so, they decided to spontaneously try it out. The drunk one, Wyatt, was winning and Finn was not having it.

"Fuck you, pussy!", the game was almost over, both fighting for the first place.

"Suck ass!", Finn yelled back almost falling out of the small couch as he was too tensed and focused on the game, "I'm going to beat your lame ass!"

"Ugh! Fuck this!", and more cursing coming from Wyatt as he lost the round in last second, falling on his knees as Finn danced lazily in victory.

The dorm door opened, revealing a rather tired Jaeden, "Hey, gu— ew, what is that smell?", he gagged, taking off his jacket as he closed the door behind him.

"Oh, that would be our scrambled eggs with tuna and chocolate chips.", Finn answered casually, taking a sip out of his orange juice, "it's surprisingly good, I'm telling you!"

"It smells like fart but when you spray deodorant on it, it's not that bad anymore!", Wyatt added, grinning widely at his roommate who looked like he discovered the most disgusting thing in this universe after hairy frogs (which are a real thing, don't look it up).

Jaeden took a deep breath, regretting it immediately when the odd smell hit his nose. He looked around the room, seeing multiple boxer shorts on the ground and— please tell me they have one on right now— "And what the fudge is that?"

"That is...", Finn tried to answer but gave up after a few seconds, "Honestly, I don't know. It looks interesting though, doesn't it?"

"It does! Isn't it gum?", Wyatt squinted his eyes, poking the thing on the floor with his pinky.

"Gum? No! Gum is sweet and this is not sweet!"

"How do you know what that tastes like?"

"I licked it earlier."

"So you saw it earlier and didn't bother to tell me? Finn, I thought we we're friends!"

"I forgot about it! I'm sorry"

"Wait! I think that's the wax we used for your toe!"

"My toe? Oh, right! My baby toe!"

"Yes! Must've dropped some on the floor..."

"Literally what the fuck", Jaeden couldn't take the conversation between the two other males, who were both shit-faced, anymore. He was never one to curse and when he did, Finn and Wyatt looked at Jaeden, then at each other with a shocked look on their faces.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have cursed.", The smallest one in the room huffed in frustration, running his hand through his his hair, "Can you two please go and take a shower? Sober up a little, I will clean up."

And with that, both shot up, Finn leaving the dorm, Wyatt going straight to the bathroom without a single sound. Jaeden seemed a little tense and neither of them wanted the small one to have a break down, not even when they didn't even realize what was happening in their environment. That was because Jaeden was a nice guy and you don't treat nice people like trash. That's what Wyatt's mom would tell Wyatt and Finn back then (middle school days) and it seemed to stick with them ever since.

While Jaeden cleaned up, he thought about the person he recently started dating. He tried to go out with some guy that Jack had set him up with named David but he was just not it. And after some time, he received a message on instagram from someone who turned out to be one of his old friends, Jeremy. After many hours of chatting, they eventually went on some dates and are still at the 'get-to-know-phase'.

He had always been nice to Jaeden so he thought, why not give it a try? Besides, he was very certain that the things, he had felt in Wyatt's presence were nothing real, probably just a small crush that would go away soon.

He sure liked the weird curly haired guy but he just could see their relationship going anywhere and they were starting to drift apart from each other even though it should be impossible hence the fact that they literally live together.

That made Jaeden upset. He still wanted to be friends with Wyatt.

Jaeden was almost done with cleaning up when he saw one of Wyatt's shirts laying on the floor.

Of course.

He was so ready to yell at Wyatt for throwing his clothes on the floor all the time but instead he picked it up, smiling softly.

"Why are you smiling all by yourself? That's what psychopaths do.", Wyatt, who seemed a lot more sober, asked as he entered the room after finishing his shower.

Jaeden shook his head, still grinning like an idiot, "Oh, nothing."

— — — —

ight long time no see :)
i'm gonna edit this book once i'm done with it i swear 💀

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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