Chapter 10🔅

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it was raining the whole day when i came up with this idea and it's the first time i wrote something after a long break but i hope you still enjoy it.

-Jaeden's POV-

"I fucking hate rain.", Wyatt groaned while shifting over the bed.

"I love rain.", I watched little droplets of water race down the window and rooting for the one he had picked to win.

The weather here wasn't always sunny, of course. But that's good since we always have a change.

"Why would you love rain? It's wet and smells weird. You can't even go outside and the television signals get fuzzy and no channel works!", Wyatt huffed, knitting his eyebrows together as he flipped through various channels on the TV to find nothing but fizzy lines and no signal.

"That's not true. You can do a lot on a rainy day, actually!", I protested. I was basically in love with rain, so much that I could run outside and just stay there but Jack told me not to since he doesn't want to take care of me again like last time.

"Oh, please. Like what?"


"Sitting on the bed and waiting for the fucking rain to stop?", Wyatt cut me off.

"No..", I frowned, "like loads of fun things!"

"Sure", Wyatt rolled his eyes while throwing the remote on the edge of the bed as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, "Might just watch vines or something less boring.", he mumbled.

I sighed since there was no point in telling Wyatt how shitty the network gets when it rains so I just went back to looking at the rain, waiting for a curse word to be heard.

"Fucking shit!", Wyatt groaned just in time, "Everything is just fucking bullshit! My 3G doesn't work and the 2G would be too weak for the vines. I'm done!"

"Calm down, it's just rain. It will stop eventually."

"No, I'm too bored and don't know what the fuck to do. I hate life right now.", Wyatt mumbled angrily.

"Hmm,", I got up from the window seat, "how about we-"

"Shut the fuck up and die? Cause same.", Wyatt cut me off again and I was about to chop his head off.

"No, dickhead. I meant 'bucket list',", I sighed, "How about we make a bucket list ?"

"A what?"

"Don't make me say it the third time.", I rolled my eyes.

"A motherfucking bucket list?", Wyatt rose his eyebrow, because he sure thought I was joking or just dumb.

"Yeah, a bucket list! How many times do I have to repeat it?", I sighed but grinned as I picked up a notepad from my desk and a pen, "A bucket list about 'things to do on a rainy day' we write things we have to do once and when we've done it, we tick on the side!"

Wyatt crossed his arms in front of his chest, "You're kidding", he huffed.

"No, I'm not! We don't have anything to do here and I'm sure it'll be fun.", I told him as I opened the notepad, flipping through the pages until I found a blank one.

Room 45 [Jyatt]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz