Chapter 11🔅

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-Wyatt's POV-

Ever since the rainy day, Jaeden and I started getting along better. We even became friends; which is quite shocking to me since I thought— and still think— that he's an awkward kid; but it doesn't bother me anymore. It has turned into another thing I liked about him.

But one of the things I don't like about him is, that he always has to send me to go grocery shopping since he 'doesn't go outside alone after 7pm'.

So I was there, staring at shampoo bottles and questioning my entire existence. Was I born to go grocery shopping for other people? Was that my only purpose in life?

Jaeden told me to get some things and wrote in on a tiny piece of paper. One of the things was 'conditioner' and the first thing that came to my mind was "What the fuck is that?".

I asked an employee and she sent me to the shampoo bottles but I really couldn't figure out what the fuck that shit was.

"Wyatt! Hey!", Finn came up to me and pulled me into a short hug. I noticed him holding a pack of condoms and an orbeez-set, making me slightly confused and uncomfortable.

"Hey, how are you?", I asked him, still not being able to get my eyes off of the strange items in his hands.

"Good, actually. What about you though? You look stressed out, dude."

"I am.", I stated blankly, closing my eyes while messaging my forehead with my thumb and index finger, "I fucking am."

"Oh damn, what happened?"



"Conditioner.", I repeated myself, that time pronouncing the word slower than before.

"C'mon, Wyatt. You know I didn't pay attention in french class!"

"You fuck head, it's an english word and I don't know what the fuck that is. I'm supposed to get that shit for Jaeden so I asked an employee and she sent me here so now I'm stuck.", I explained.

"Why won't Jaeden get it himself?", Finn basically just repeated the same question I had been asking myself for the past 15 minutes.

"Hi boys!", a loud and high pitched voice was heard behind us, making both— Finn and I, turn around. Of course, it was Jack.

"You got it?", the small boy turned his head to Finns direction who answered by nodding his head proudly.

I started to think about the orbeez-set and the condom again and everything got even weirder. What the fuck were these two planning on doing? Before my brain could start to have a cinematic second version of 2 girls 1 cup but with boys and orbeez, I stopped myself by asking Jack if he knew what a conditioner was.

And thank goodness, he did. He gave me one of the smaller shampoo bottles and smiled, "Why do you even need it anyway?"

"Jaeden— he sent me here to buy some stuff for him."

"Why won't he go buy it himself?"

"I don't know!", I almost whisper yelled since yelling would be inappropriate in a grocery store.

After that, both of them told me goodbye and left the store, leaving me alone with the list with all the stuff I still had to find and buy.

When I finally found the last item, which were women's razors, I started to head back to the dorm. Sure, I asked myself why he needed them but to be honest, after I saw the shit that Jack and Finn bought, it seemed less important to me.

"Oh, girls! They wanna have fun!", that was the first thing that I heard when I entered the small dorm. It was Jaeden singing in the shower, yet again. It was nothing uncommon anymore.

Then I felt it— the strong urge to pee. I quickly walked up to the bathroom door and knocked two times slowly and three times fast.

Yes, Jaeden and I made a knock-code for peeing. It happened a lot— the "someone has to pee while the other one's showering" thing. So, we made that code so the one in the shower can step out and unlock the door. The one who has to pee has to wait exactly 7 seconds so the one in the shower has time to get back in the shower since we both didn't want to see each other naked.

I heard the door making a 'click'. I sighed in relief and waited impatiently seven seconds. I opened the door and almost peed on the way to the toilet.

"Wyatt? Can you bring me the razors?", Jaeden asked casually.

"Yeah, wait.", I answered, still peeing.

I zipped my pants up and flushed the toilet when I was about to get his razors but of course Jaeden didn't forget to tell me to wash my hands.

I rolled my eyes, went back to the bathroom, washed my hands, dried them and then handed him the razors.


"No problem, sweetheart." , we both laughed at the nickname I gave him which I gave him a week ago when he cooked us a proper dinner— which we didn't have quite often since we're students and with that broke— because he looked like a wife and when he's the wife then I'm kind of the husband (because we live together) and that's why I started calling him 'sweetheart'.

After a few more minutes, which I spent with watching 'the hot ones' on youtube, Jaeden finally got out of the shower.

But this time, it was different. I didn't know why, since he always came out of the shower the same: a tower wrapped around his hair, oversized t-shirt which reached to his thighs, two different socks and a toothbrush in his mouth.

This time, I started to notice how milky his skin actually was and how smooth his legs were. So that's why he needed the razors! To shave his legs!

But why did I even care? Why did I start to notice such unnecessary things about that?

I needed to get some fresh air so I quickly stood up and left the dorm without saying a word.

— — — —

written by: @jyattsmom

so... it's been a while!
I honestly forgot how to write properly 😭
so if there are any mistakes please tell me!

all the love, a. xx

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