"I know that wasn't a threat agent Allen.. you are off the case and now you can go ahead and swing by 1PP because your ass is getting reported" I said

"Come on sarge" Carisi said. I glared at agent Allen one more time before walking away with Carisi.


"Who does he think he is threatened me" I said as I paced back and forth in rafi office. He sat at his desk drinking coffee looking at me. An amused look on his face.

"Rollins gave me his file, I see why you threw him off the case. He looks like a dirty cop to me" rafi said

"Exactly!" I yelled throwing my hands up in the air.

I placed one hand on my hip and another on my face. I huffed as I was stressed out. My phone buzzed in my pocket I took it out and saw Carisi was calling me

"What's goin on Carisi" I said answering the phone.

"What? Are you sure?.. ok I'll- we'll both be there in a minute" I said and hung up the phone. I looked at Rafael and he gave me a confused look.

"Agent Allen left us both a message at the station" I said. Rafael got up and grabbed his coat.

"Let's go" he said and we walked out and to the district.


"Rafael Barba's wife, Maria Barba, is one narcissistic bitch and she will get what's coming for her and that's soon. Oh and for her husband. You married the wrong chick" the voice message of agent Allen said.

"What the hell?" I said.

"Now TARU wasn't able to track the message but he sure as hell went rouge" Fin said

"Yeah clearly" I said.

"So Maria, we though it would be best if you go home. We'll have a squad car out front your apartment" Rollins said. I looked over at Barba and he nodded his head.

"Alright.. yeah, and since Liv's not here, that means Fin's in charge" I said as I grabbed all my personal belongings and Rafael started to walk me out

"Call me if Fin burns down the station" I said jokingly to the squad.

Rafi walked me over to the elevator and pressed the down button.

"Alright, I'll be at the office late but I'll be home soon. Be safe mi amor" he said and I nodded my head and kissed him.


I walked towards our apartment door and saw it a crack open. My first instinct was pull out my gun. I opened the door and walked in.

"NYPD.. who's there" I said as I walked in my apartment. I set my purse down and looked in all the rooms and saw no one.

I walked out towards the living room thinking whoever was in here has left.

No ones pov

Maria looked around the living room and went to go grab her phone to call the police when someone struck her head with a bat. She fell to the ground as blood started to come out of her head where she was hit. The intruder turned her over and saw she was out cold and a pool of blood started to form around her head.

Agent Allen set the bat down and picked up Maria and carried her out of the apartment, he shut the door and walked out to where there was an unmarked truck. Behind the truck was the cop car that was placed in front of the apartments. The cop inside was shot once in the head. He placed her in the back and climbed into the front and drove away.

Barba walked out of the elevator and towards his apartment door.

"Mr. Barba" his neighbor said.

"Hey mrs. Heaven" Barba said hugging the little old lady.

"Is maria ok?" The lady asked

"What do you mean?" He asked

"A man was carrying her, she had blood on her head. He said he was her friend that they worked together and she fell so he was taking her to the hospital. He said he called you" mrs. Heaven said

Barba heart dropped. He quickly pulled out his phone and found a picture of agent Allen.

"Was this the man?" He asked. She looked at his picture closely and nodded her head.

"I uh really need to go now mrs. Heaven" he said and he ran down to his apartment door and unlocked it. He opened the door and saw the pool of blood on the living room floor.

He quickly dialed Rollins number.

"Barba? You never call me, what's up" she asked as she answered the phone.

"It's Maria. She was kidnapped"

Maria Barba Where stories live. Discover now