Chapter 17

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Blood Crown


     A wicked grin on a woman's face who sits on a throne in the castle. The evil glint in her eyes tell all to never cross her. A crown on top of her head to show that she is their Queen and rules over them. Beside her on a small throne sits a young man, Nathaniel with his own crown and the evil in his eyes can't be hidden from anyone. The throne room is a gloomy one in the night and only five people are in there. The Queen and her son and then three women that are bowing before them.

"All but one failed in serving your Queen and they should suffer my wrath" The woman on the throne says, her voice holds power that inspires fear into others. She laughs, so cold so cruel. Two of the three woman bowing tremble in fear of her. "However as the work was done and I find myself in a cherry mood, I will show mercy. Cross me again and I will not fail to show you what happens to those who dare to defy me" She says, her voice holding nothing but evil as she darkly chuckles.

"Of course, your Majesty" The three of the woman speak as they all are now shaking with fear, knowing that the woman on the throne will not hesitate to kill them or do things worse then death to them. She is after all known as The Evil Queen. An old woman, a young girl named Melody and a woman are there bowing before her. "Now, get out of here! I wish no longer to see your petty faces!" She harshly yells at them. The three of them are quick to stand on their feet and leave the throne room as quick as they can.

"My son, now that the little pest has been taking care of, there is nothing in this world standing in your way to the throne" She says and her gaze goes over to her son who sits on the throne looking more bored than he has ever been in his life, but once he meets his mother's gaze his face instantly hardens and a smirk of evil is replaced by the look of boredom. "Good ridden too... when is my coronation, I would like to become King soon?" He asks her and she rolls her eyes and stands up.

"Soon, my love, soon. Be patient. Now that the kingdom is ours there is nothing standing in our way, no need to hurry along with it. Now, run along, my love and find others to torture. Show them who they now serve and who rules over them all. The leader that inspires the most fear is the leader that will forever rule" She tells him and he stands up. "As you wish, mother" He says to her and leaves the throne room, yet the evil in her eyes never dims nor does the wicked grin on her face.

The throne room as dark and twisted as she herself as she walks behind the thrones where an empty wall is yet it might not be as empty as many believes. She stands in front of a brick wall that has been built and presses her hand against one specific one that only she knows what does. The brick begins to move backwards as she pushes it inside the wall and soon the wall begins to open up like as if it were a door. Once the wall has opened up she straightens the gown that she wears.

She begins to walks to walk inside the door where the solid wall once stood. She's met with a spiral staircase that she walks down. The darkness is all around her as the staircase is not lit up yet she does not need the light. The woman walks with authority and even when no one sees her or is bowing before her she shows nothing but power in her walk that could send men to their graves. The staircase is long and made out of pure stone and only go further and further down into the ground where no one know that it is even there at all.

Once she has walked down the stairs she's met with a wooden door, a lit torch on the side of the door on the stone wall. She opens the door and walks inside a lit room. A small room yet well lit. Inside the room are couple of shelves filled with different kinds of poisons and healing mixtures that are labeled nicely and some even have skulls drawn on the labels to show that it is deadly, yet the skulls are only drawn in a hurry and not rather will it would seem.

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