Chapter 16

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Blood Crown


The night is dark and gloomy yet the snow light up the whole world with its glowing white presence on the ground and the more the snowflakes fall the brighter is becomes and the night might not be as dark as it was before. A royal ball in a palace where hundreds upon hundreds people have gathered together to celebrate and their happiness and joy soars through the air like never before. None of them knowing what has taken place in the palace gardens where a young maiden had once been. Yet she might still be there.

Her hair the blackest of them all that might resemble the black raven. Crimson red blood colors her lips that is darker than the darkest rose. The pale skin on her body almost the shade of the white snow she lies on in silence. Her body softly on the snow and the snowflakes fall on her and get suck in her hair and her dress. Katherine Twilight Darkblood is dead. The cup of blood beside her and she lies on the ground, no air going into her lungs and no beat can be heard in her once beating heart that has no gone silent.

Her eyes closed and one would mistake her from sleeping soundly and peacefully yet that is not the case. Footsteps from the palace run to her yet they already know they are too late. Jamie running towards the girl in his knight uniform falls down to the ground when he sees her lying there. The tears prick his eyes yet he does not allow them to fall. As if a knife has pierced his heart, the pain in his chest is unbearable. He stands up and walks over to her, kneeling on the snow in front of her.

He gently touches her freezing cold cheek that was once blushing badly yet is now as cold as the snow that falls on her cheeks. When he feels not warmth in her face, he feels this anger rise within him and he cannot control it. Banging his fist into the ground as hard as he can out of anger he feels his chest tighten with both anger and heartache that has formed. Then in the corner of his eyes he notices something. The silver cup lying there. Few drops of blood have leaked out of it and have blended with the snow that has now been painted crimson red with it.

Picking the cup up he brings it to his face and smells down into it. His grip tightens on the cup as the anger only grows. He had smelled poison inside the cup, inside the blood. Poison that the poor innocent girl would not able to smell. He throws the cup in pure anger away from him, it hits a tree and bounces off it and then lands softly in the snow near the tree with blood leaking from it still that will stain the white snow.

His hands go under her lower back and her legs and lifts her up bridal style. Her body light and small in his arms as he walks with her to the back entrance of the garden where not many people know of. The tears staining his face as he walks, having have lost the battle with them and letting them softly fall down his face. The snow has gotten more violent than before yet there is still not wind. The snowflakes fall on the two of them and while on him the snowflakes melt they stay on her for her body is already cold as the air around them.

The cold does not bother him at all yet the freezing touch of her skin does. It sends chills down his spine yet not from the cold itself but from how she is dead. Most people are at the royal ball to notice one knight missing and holding onto a girl that is dead in his arms and walking down the dark road. The snow on the ground is able to bring a little light yet it cannot show all that is and the darkness still rules the night like it is always meant to.

Jamie holds onto her tight, not wanting to let go of the young maiden that he holds. Wondering what he could do now, the girl is dead. He cannot believe that the girl that he has learned to care for yet not romantically, Jamie's feelings were to a sister and cared for her as if she were his sister, yet he did care for her and he will forever mourn this girl. Even when he does not know much about her, she will always have a place inside his heart and he will never forget her.

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