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I as shook away, feeling the cold metallic feel of a cage beneath me. my eyes fluttered open and caught sigh of a dark male face staring at me. Wait, where am i? Who is this?.....who am i?

The guy had his eye brows frowning, obviously confused. Panic washed over me and i shot up. "welcome to your new home greenie....welcome the the glade" he said, jumping out of the cage joining more teenage boys. Whats a greenie? Wait is there something one my face? He offered me his hand to get out of the box. i didnt take it i might just stay in here.

"don't be scared, we wont hurt you" said one of the guys next to him."you last person who can say that Gally"another boy said. My eyes went wide with fear of these people. The boy who i had learned to be called Gally let out a small chuckle and took a step back. "i don't think she likes us very much, should i get her out Alby?" Gally asked the guy who woke me up. Alby nodded. Im learning alot of names.

Gally jumped into the cage and i ran to the nearest corner. Since there were boxes and crates in here with me-and the size of this cage wasn't that big-I just about made it two steps away from this Gally guy. Gally picked me up and put me over his shoulder. I started kicking and screaming. "stop moving you will hurt yourself" he half said half grunted to me. I felt him step from the cage and he put me down in the middle of a circle of guys. "hey she-bean" one said poking me. more comments and words were thrown at me, but one caught my attention. "first girl in the glade? we are gonna have some fun" said a guy joking but it still scared me. i made a dash for it, running as fast a i could. i saw a opening in a concrete wall, a way out thank god.

i made for the exit as fast as i could I've probably only got about ten meters until i have reached the wall, i looked back to see the whole group of boys chasing after me shouting not to go out there. Like i was going to listen to them i want out of here, i don't even know where 'here' is. i dont even know who i am or what my name is. i cant remember anything. I ran into something hard and fell to the floor, for a minute i thought i ran into the wall. The sound of many feet coming towards me filled my ears along with a accent speaking. "the green-bean is a girl? Shuck is she okay?" i squinted my eyes to block out the sun, all i saw was a mas of dirty-blonde hair and a confused worried expression. That was before everything went black.

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