Part 10 - A Visit

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A few days later of relaxation and bread therapy, after everyone had left but Scott as we were busy idling on the sofa.

I sighed- picking up my phone to scroll through Instagram.

'Oh crap..' I murmured, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere- I FORGOT TO UPLOAD THESE LAST WEEKS!

I totally forgot, with everything going on in my life. I hope Lizzie or someone explained the situation otherwise I'm screwed!

'You ok La La?' Scott whispered, winding his finger around a strand of my hair.

'Do you think we should tell people about our relationship?' I murmured.

'Depends, are you ready? I'm sure your fans will accept you no matter what.'

I sighed, being a YouTuber can be tough sometimes, always having to keep up with your uploads, not being able to take a proper break without worrying about fans.

'I mean, new content.' I shrugged.

'Don't put out new content because you have to, do it because you love making it, do you want me to do it for you? You seem a little burned out.'

'Seem? I'm bloody exhausted.' I flopped onto the sofa, my hair spread out among the cushions; I slowly got up, 'But I cant leave you to do it on your own, it's our problem, whether I like it or not.'

Scott slowly put his arm around me and sighed heavily,
'If you insist Lauren, let me get the camera.' Scott got up and gathered all the equipment.

Soon after that we started recording our first video together, as a couple, as well as announcing the baby. But something was off, it didn't quite seem right~ Like it wasn't meant to be this way. I guess the feeling hit me hard in the video because my eyeballs were sweating like mad, while Scott tried his best to comfort me, and it was all on camera.

I started looking. Through the comments, sort of looking for criticism I suppose, something that might enforce this feeling of wrongness I feel within.

'Honestly, I have to say I'm disappointed, one minute you're happy with Bobby and the next you're getting pregnant by Scott?'

Oof, I felt that one. My brain stuttered for a moment and my eyes took in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. After scrolling, my fingers started jumping wildly, as if in spasm, my world slowly began closing and I could feel an uneasy feeling rise up in my stomach. My bowels suddenly churned. Oh God, I prayed, don't let that happen, not now... I laid there fighting the urge to vomit, to release all the terrible things that have followed my recent misfortune.

*Sort of NSFW Description here*
The nausea clawed at my throat, and I tried to force down the bile, but it was too late. Chunks of partially digested food spewed out of my coughing, choking mouth, forcing my stomach to keep on contracting violently and forcing everything up and out. My face was white and dripping with bile, sweat, and tears. I lurched forward and sunk to my knees, hand still on the computer mouse. The pungent stench invaded my nostrils and I heaved even though there was nothing left to go.
*End of that gruesome description*

'Lauren? Lauren! Are you ok?'
I felt an echoey voice ask me as I rocked violently from side to side until I felt this blackness come over me. Like a blanket, but not a blanket of warmth but a blanket of coldness making me shiver, sending me into the oblivion of unconsciousness.

I woke suddenly, every thought in high definition. My eyes took in every ray of light as sunlight poured through the cracks in the blinds, while I attempted to wipe the sleepiness away. The thoughts of visions came and went in waves as I clung to the last memory of me falling unconscious. Feeling a buzz of noise around me, I stirred and sat up to be faced with a Scott looking at me curiously.

'What the hell happened?' I questioned, looking around, the room is as devoid of beauty as I was of hope. Its walls were simply cream, not peeling or dirty, just cream. There was no decoration at all to save the limp curtain that separated my bed from the three others in here. It was perhaps once the kind of green that reminded people of spring-time and hope, but it's faded so much that the hue is insipid. The room had an undertone of bleach and the floor was simply grey- The hospital.

'Are you feeling alright dear?' A nurse asked me, a look of worry flickered across her face for a second.

'I think I'm fine..' I glance down at my belly.

'Your baby is doing well according to the ultrasound.' The nurse smiled kindly.

'Phew, I'm glad you and the baby are ok', Scott hugged me as his gentle arms wrapped around me, emitting an aura of care and compassion.

The nurse then followed up with a few questions about the pregnancy and why I threw up.

'Also did you notice anything 'special' about the vomit? Like an odd smell or colour?' The nurses queried.

'Not particularly, apart from it's disgusting stench,' I chuckled.

'That's good, we will have you discharged from the hospital soon, however, 15 weeks from now, you should be back in this hospital for a mid-pregnancy ultrasound to determine your baby's gender.' The nurse said, explaining how to organise an appointment.

I could sense the excitement in Scott's voice,
'I can't wait La La! Imagine a tiny Scott running about the house!'

'What a nightmare,' I laughed as I received a funnily serious expression from Scott.

'You're free to go hun, please call us if you have any problems with morning sickness and the like,' The nurse stated,
'I'm sure your husband will take care of you just fine.' She smiled.

The nurse exited the room as Scott laughed about how the nurse mistook him for my husband and how he was an idea lover, in which I responded with 'Yeah, sure,' jokingly of course.

We laughed and joked all the way home and played Minecraft together, where of course I beat Scott in Bedwars.

It All Began With A Whisper - Scott x Lauren (Scauren)Where stories live. Discover now