Part 2 - A 'Pleasant' Suprise

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(Bobby's POV)

My face was stained with tears. The wall, the wall that held me up, made me strong, just... collapsed. I pressed my head against the wall, sliding down it into a crumpled heap.

The knock came quietly first and then there was silence. The silence seems to drown my misery out. 'Bobby... please...' I heard, the voice I once craved, now the voice I hate.

'Get out.'

I replied, anger looming in my voice,

'You are not welcome here.'

'But Bobby...!'

'I said, GET OUT!!'

I heard a faint murmur behind the door, I've never felt so enraged before, I let the anger possess me as if I was a puppet to my own nature.

(Flashback Ends)

(Scott's POV)

My mind was a torrent of questions, stress spreading through my mind like ink on paper; I took in deep, ragged breaths as I wondered what happened to Lauren.

But just then, I heard a soft whimper outside the door. Memories weighed me down heavily as I recognised the voice.


Although my mind was rifled with questions, I didn't hesitate to open the door to see a heart still beating under the locks it has been kept under. Tears were visible on her face, invisible scars covering her body.

'Scott...' Lauren whispered.

Before I could reply Lauren wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pulling me close. Despite the heaviness in my stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body being pressed against mine.

No Scott! I mentally scolded myself. You should not be feeling like this when she is in the middle of a crisis!

I blocked all my feelings and thoughts out as I lead Lauren to my bedroom. Boxes surrounded us because I only just moved into America a few days ago,(Just roll with it) Lauren sat next to me, her tears unfolded from her eyes and the harsh truth she endured was revealed.

She had nowhere to go.

Lauren looked at me with large, hopeful eyes.

Could I really say no?

I scoured my room to see where she could sleep, but I soon realised the only place was my bed with me in it!

My mind went into panic mode then as I peered over to Lauren as she realised it too.

(Time skip to getting ready for bed)

'Err.. Scott?' She said, her voice hoarse from crying aloud.

'C-Could you... lend me one of your shirts...? I didn't bring pajamas.'

Oh. My. God. Lauren wants to borrow one of my shirts? Best day ever.

My cheeks turned hot, my embarrassment vivid to her.

'Umm, sure?' I replied, uncertainty clouded my speech.

'Thanks,' Lauren then proceeded to look through my wardrobe when she came across a rose pink, kitty shirt.

'Aww, cute!' She exclaimed.

I still don't know why I bought that- well, I mean kitties are always a good idea.

(Lauren's POV)

I changed in the bathroom and waltzed in to Scott's room, flicking my hair and pulling a pose.

'I know! I know! I'm fabulous! Please settle down!' I said.

Scott laughed in return.

That's what I love about him.

Even in the darkest moments, he could make me forget all my mistakes in a heartbeat.

I curled up next to Scott, his soft snores luring me to sleep.

(In Lauren's Dream)

A dark abyss surrounded me as colour drained from my face- white as a ghost, white as a sheet, rooted to the spot.

Once again fear found me. It spoke to me in a cackling voice. It told my legs to go weak, my stomach to lurch and my heart to ache.

When suddenly Bobby appeared in front of me, light radiating of his skin as fear escaped my body.

But something was off... wrong almost.

He showed no anger, no sadness, no joy or resentment. I looked into his black, emotionless eyes, but he seemed to look right through me, staring into the very depths of my soul. (A bit like people do when I say 'Hi' to them.)

'Bobby?' I whispered, my voice hollow.

He didn't respond. It was like I didn't exist anymore.

He started walking away from me. His steps were unusually slow, almost robotic. As if he was forced to tell each foot to take another step.

'Bobby!' I shouted.

Sadness remained like a veil over my skin as I watched him go until he disappeared.

Not even my sorrow can bring him back.

(End Of Lauren's Dream)

The night was so quiet I could hear shallow breathing next to me, my shoulders relaxed as my face lit up into the person I loved.

Reminding me it was all just a stupid nightmare- Bobby was right beside me as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

(Scott's POV)

Lauren buried her head into my chest, embracing the feeling of sharing body heat as easily as I share my heart. I clasped her into a warm hug as I could feel her chest rising and falling against me, bringing a sense of comfort to my heart.

(In the Morning)

'Aww, look at the two lovebirds!' A voice remarked, a high pitched squeal of delight followed after.

I roused from my heavy slumber as my eyes flicked on, Lauren was still fast asleep on my chest (Good luck with waking her up, it's Sunday).

I woke up to see Lizzie, Joel, Joey, Yasmin, Kyle, Callum and Oli peering up at me.

Not a pretty sight.

It All Began With A Whisper - Scott x Lauren (Scauren)Where stories live. Discover now