Part 7 - A Confrontation

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There was no sound in the house, yet everyone was moving, moving and not talking. I could feel the sweat drench my skin, the throbbing of my own eyes, the ringing screams vibrating in my ears- the fear.

'You alright Scott?' Joel asked as I snapped out of my trance.

'N-Not really... I- We.. have something to tell you guys'. I dug my fingernails into my palm.

Suddenly, I felt a million pairs of eyes on me, stares transfixed on what I had to say.

'U-Um, I don't really know how to say this,' I began, swallowing the lump in my stomach, 'But, Lauren... she's pregnant, alright?' I yelled, 'All because of me..' I wiped a tear away from my face.
(My friend suggested I change it to 'ITS TRUE, I KNOCKED HER UP.')

I glanced over at Lauren, her eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As she blinked, they dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks.

Her lower lip quivered as words slowly made their way out her mouth, 'I-It's true', she began, yet what followed was engulfed in tremors.

'I'm done.'

She whispered softly as she ambled towards the door before she grabbed onto the handle, she looked back, wishing this was all a dream. More like a nightmare, where there was no happy ending.

(Lizzie's POV)

Scott rushed out of the room, tears flowing unchecked from his face.

I heard Joey say as he flopped on the couch, tears filling up the brims of his eyes.

'Ok guys, I'm going to be real here, it was sort of bound to happen, considering all the signs she was showing'. Yammy murmured, holding Kyle's hand.

'Signs? What signs?' Callum asked, deeply concerned.

'Let's not get into that.. we should see about Lauren and Scott.'

'Huh, I got a text,' Oli said, searching his pocket.

'Now's not the time Oli,' I glared.

'It's from B-Bobby.' He breathed.
'LAUREN'S PREGNANT?! Don't try and stop me, I'm coming over, whether you like it or not. I'm near Scott's house anyway.'

'Great, that's just great!' Joel shouted, hands on his head.

'Alright, who told him?' Yammy questioned.

Oli shifted uncomfortably and slowly lifted his hand.

'I did..'

'Course you did,' Kyle rolled his eyes.

'I don't know what came over me, anger just... ugh,' Oli threw his hands up in the air.

'Let's not blame people here, that's not going to get us anywhere. We have a bigger problem on our hands,' I reasoned.

Just then we heard a knock at the door.

More like pounding.

'Open up! It's the FBI!' Bobby yelled.

'Should we open the door?' Joel asked, reaching for the door handle, 'Maybe we can work this out'.

Yammy pulled Joel's hands away from the door, 'We should ask Lauren and Scott, it's their problem after all.'

'I'll go,' I whispered.
I tried the doorknob and the wooden door swung open to reveal Lauren openly crying with Scott somewhat trying to comfort her yet again.

'We have a little problem..' I gestured pointing down the hallway as the banging echoed through the room.

Her eyes grew wide, stuttering senselessly for a moment before Scott placed a hand on her shoulder, 'It'll be ok, it will'.

'Lauren, you don't need to go out there.' Scott murmured, smiling softly.

'No.. its my fault. Its me he wants.' Lauren stroked Scott's cheek, pulling down the door knob.

It All Began With A Whisper - Scott x Lauren (Scauren)Where stories live. Discover now