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"Hector.. wake up" He heard natalie say and he looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

"i have to go" "go where" "i have to leave north carolina.. they're after my family" "baby who is after you're family" he finally woke up fully sitting up watching her pack her clothes in a LV luggage bag.

"well my dad is a narco and they're after us, i don't even know this man" She said with the idea of meeting her dad for the first time causing tears.

She stood up from her spot and held a hand over her nose and hand just so she can be quiet well crying.

"come here bubba" he said and she shook her head no, instead she cried even more.

He stood up and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her and she quickly hugged him back.

He felt her tears hit his bare skin, his chin rested on the top of her head as she cried non stop.

"i don't wanna meet him, not now.. not like this" she sobbed and he held her tight.

"the plan was to succeed without and him and have him regret not being in my life.. the plan was to live without him. Hector please i don't wanna meet him" She said as she sobbed into his arms. "it's okay baby.. rant i'm all ears"

"Hector.. i spent my whole life looking for him and wondering where he was at why he didn't want me. My whole life i thought no one could love me i mean since my own father couldn't why would someone else. Why couldn't he stay and be there when we needed him the most, i know my mom is still in love with him she cries at 4 am in her room thinking we can't hear her but we can hear her pain. I try not to let it get to me but hector i just want a man to love me forever, he was supposed to the man to love me for me and forever" she paused and looked at him.

Then she started talking again "Hector i was 10 years old wanting to die because i felt like no one would ever love me, I felt like my world was constantly collapsing. All i wanted was to know my father and him to want to know me but he only wants to know me when his life is at risk, when his job is at risk. He's supposed to be here and i'm not ready yet, i don't wanna meet him anymore.Im done trying to look for him."

The door opened to reveal a man dressed in a suit suit and tie. "natalie" "no" she said walking past him and walking to the restroom "hello i know nataliea father". "No you're not" "excuse me" "you failed at being a father, you failed at getting to know the most beautiful soul. You're not her father, you didn't raise her, you weren't there for her when she needed you the most. If anything you're just a stranger to her, thank her mom for raising such a beautiful and kind soul. Listen you may think that just because you're here now you're gonna make up the time but you're not"

Hector walked out and went to the restroom to see natalie waiting for him.

"can i stay over your house" "natalie" "or come with me.. please" "i'll talk with my mom" was all he said before making a phone call to his mom.

She went back to her room where hector was.. "my mom said yes" "okay um we can go over in a bit to get your clothes" she said before packing again.

"natalie dad bought breakfast" "i'll eat at hectors house, we're gonna go pick up some clothes for him he's coming with us"

She looked at her sister and spoke again "Ashley why is mom letting this happen" "Honestly i don't know.. who would've thought we'd be daughters of a narco" "i wonder if mom knew" "she probably did"

Ashley walked out of the room and natalie zipped up her last bag, and slapped hectors ass "ready to pick up your clothes babe" she said before kissing him and he nodded.

They arrived at his house and he walked to his room meanwhile his mother served her something to eat.

After and hour they went back to natalies house, she saw her mother and father talking. "natalie were leaving in an hour so put everything into the van" her mother said as her chanel sun glasses covered her glossy eyes.

They were on their way to sinaloa, they decided to drive since it's only 38 hours.

Natalie and hector talked about their future for a good 2 hours before natalie fell asleep. Her head on his lap.

6 hours into the ride they decided to eat and stay the night at a hotel.

Natalie and hector fell asleep in each other's arm, natalie barely even talked to her father.

She didn't want to talk to him, not know or anytime soon.

I'm sorry i haven't been updating.. i'll start updating soon and more i promise 🥺🥺

This was in a rush so sorry for my mistakes

ALREADY GONE- HECTOR DIAZTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon