mentaly insane

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I woke up to the smell of smoke,my step dad smokes like that's the only cigarete he will ever have.

I constantly have to sneake out of every morning to go to school,I usually go out the back door but I jump out my room window.people think I'm a happy person,but under all that fake happiness is sorrow and hattred. Well I guess ill never get away from it now.


Its 7:15 in the morning,I have basiclly an hour to get ready. I pick out a white lace blouse,black converse ,and blue jeans. After I took a shower and other hygine-ic stuff,I put on my clothes and put my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed my backpack and jumped out the window. I saw my friend luna about to walk out of her house but she rushed back in like she forgot something about ten seconds later she came out with her back pack.

"Heyyy Mina" my friend luna yells while running twords me.

"Hey luna" I haven't told her about the problems I have at home. I'm afraid it will ruin our friendship.

Her face expretions look like she has to tell me some thing.

"Mina,there's this guy entering our school, people say he's got a bad reputation". "You know his name?" I say in curiosity "I think Isacc,but not sure."

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