Chapter XIII

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Another day has passed, you were holding yourself with all your strength to not call Ian's cell phone, to ask if he was okay, you could disturb him in his college classes.

The last time he went, he took a long time to arrive and didn't answer his cell phone, ending up making you paranoid for thinking that something bad could happen to him. You tried not to think about it. You sat in the rocking chair to make your little Madeleine, whom y'all affectionately called Maddie, sleep.

You remembered the funny case it was when y'all discovered her sex. The umbilical cord was in front of her vagina and everyone thought it was a boy.

You were a little suspicious of that and to clear up your doubts, you had a fetal sex test and your intuition was right all the time, it was a girl.

You never saw Ian cry so much as the day Maddie was born, he promised to you and to himself, that he would be the best father in the world for her.

Her little greenish brown eyes closed and you carefully placed her in the crib. She had her own room, but she was so small and helpless that the two of you decided to let her sleep in your room until she was 1 year old.

Just like in his old room, Ian placed a mural full of photos of important moments in the room. It had a picture of your wedding, the evolution of your belly size during pregnancy and Maddie's birth.

You looked at the pictures with great affection, when you felt your husband's arms entwined around your waist.

You smiled broadly and hugged him, relieved to be sure he was okay.

-How was it in college? You asked, before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

-It was kind of difficult, but no challenge is too big for this elf here! He joked.

-I have no doubts! You laughed.

-So how's life with the postpartum confinement? He asked.

-Honestly, kind of boring. But everything is worth it when you look at this cute little face! You leaned over the white wooden crib and watched your beautiful baby girl.

-Awww my pretty little princess! Ian also leaned over the crib and stood there watching her peaceful sleep for a while.

You two could watch her sleep for hours. You couldn't help but notice Ian starting to watch you.

-What? You asked suspiciously, but you had a smile on your face.

-So since Maddie is sleeping, we can spend some time alone!

-Of course, noble magician, what do you have in mind? You asked, stroking your index finger over his ear.

Time skip:

You sat on the couch, watching television and running your hand through Ian's hair, whose head was resting on your lap.

-And the next person to leave the house is ...

-What? They can't take Jessica, what a stupid show! Ian said, very revolted.

The next day, Barley visited you and you talked, as the two of you always did before you went to work in the tavern. It had already completed 1 year that Barley was studying pedagogy to be a history teacher.

He seemed to have his head in the clouds while you were talking about a subject, more than usual.

-Hey, wake up! You poked him in the shoulder.-Don't fall on the floor with my daughter in your lap! You laughed.

-Sorry, I just can't stop thinking about Ixion!

-You really like my brother, right? You asked with a smile.

-I don't like him, I love him. I never met anyone to make me feel these funny feelings, just him!

-Ooohhhh someone is in love! You played and threw pillows at him.

-Stop! He laughed while protecting Maddie from the pillows.

Meanwhile, at Magisk Lander, Ixion spent at least an hour watching the rose that Barley had given him 3 years ago.

He accepted that the two were friends, but it was inevitable the feelings that started to rise in his heart, a year ago, that they decided to keep a relationship a secret, when he went to the continent to visit you.


-I think I already left in prose and verse what I feel for you, but... I want more than anything to know if you feel the same way about me! Barley asked, taking him by the left hand.

Ixion hesitated for a moment, knowing that many laws made that relationship impossible, but if he didn't speak to someone soon, his head could explode.

-Yes, I like you so much! He finally said, sincerely but scared.

Barley noticed his insecurity and asked, showing great concern:


-But it would be impossible, for several reasons. The law of my land says that the ruler should marry only with someone who can generate descendants! Ixion explained.

-Uh, but I'm ...?

-We can't have children, Barley! He affirmed.-Everything separates us, it's not possible!

Ixion was soon saddened, as being away from him caused him enormous pain.

Barley became thoughtful, smiling as soon as an idea came to his mind.

-If it's so impossible to us to be together, we can see each other in secret! He suggested.

-Are you suggesting that we have a clandestine romance, Lord Lightfoot? Ixion smiled.

-That's right!

-But when do we want to assume what we have? Has no way!

-Until then, I know that we'll manage to be together officially!

Ixion admired Barley's calm in that situation, if both were caught, it would cause many problems.

-But what if we can't? He asked again, the problems worrying him more and more.

-I wait as long as it is, up to 70 years if I need to! He replied, taking his right hand to pet him on the cheek, while looking at him lovingly. -I would risk everything, to spend just 1 minute with you!

Without thinking of anything else, both of their faces came closer and their lips met in a tender kiss.

End of flashbacks:

Ixion was taken out of his passionate thoughts when your father entered his room. Despite having retired from the throne, your father still worked as a royal advisor.

He seemed very excited about the news he was going to give.

-My son!

Ixion was hugged so tightly, he lost his breath.

-What happened to you to be so happy, Papa?

-Come with me! He replied.

Ixion didn't question and followed him, they went to one of the royal rooms, where there was a young and extremely elegant woman elf. The island was a very big place, there were other small kingdoms and their monarchs, but the main kingdom of all, was that of your family.

-Son, I want you to meet the Grand Duchess of Rara Gemmis, your future bride!

Ixion's eyes widened and he was desperate. He already had a boyfriend that he loved more than anything.

-My future what?

What I've been looking for (all of my life) - Ian Lightfoot x readerWhere stories live. Discover now