Chapter VI

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Despite all the blunders that recently happened between them, Laurel decided to give Colt one more chance. 

It was understandable why she wanted to insist on that relationship, after all, he was the first man who made Laurel believe in love again, after several years of believing that she would never love anyone other than her boys' father.

The tenth chance she gave him didn't please Ian, Barley and you at all, but she made a pinky promise to each of you that this was the last chance and if he faltered again, she would break up with him at once.

-Are you ready for tomorrow? Ian asked you, Barley invented something to do, to let him and you talk alone for a while.

-That depends, what about tomorrow? You asked curiously.

-Tomorrow is the anniversary of the day that Barley met the game "Quest of Yore", every year he throws a party here at home with the theme of the game to celebrate, but this year it'll be at Corey's tavern! He explained.

-It seems to be fun! You smiled.-But will have a cake? You asked ironically, because you knew Ian was very fond of cake.

He gave a lovely giggle that made your heart overflow with cuteness.

-The only thing that cannot be missing is the cake! He replied and you laughed together.

-And since when does he know this game?

-Since he was a little elf, our dad and he used to play together!

You smiled and wanted to ask a question, but you hesitated to think it could be a very personal question and decided to let it go.

-What happened? Ian asked.

-Nothing, why do you think something happened? You answered.

-It looked like you were going to say something, but gave up. You need not be ashamed to ask! He assured you.

You smiled a little and took a deep breath.

-What happened to your father?

He got a sad face as he explained.

-He was very sick, at risk of life, but he was a great warrior until the end of his days!

-I'm so sorry! You gave your condolences in all your sincerity.

-Thanks! He smiled.

-I also lost my mother, but when I was 14! You confessed sadly.

-Really? What happened to her? He asked.

-There was a complication in the delivery of my younger sisters, it was her life or theirs, she begged them to save Dianne and Dánae! You explained.

-I'm really sorry too! He said, putting his hand on your shoulder. 

You smiled.

Even though the two of you were talking about a subject that saddened you a lot, Ian and you got closer and it was a good thing.

The next day, y'all went to the party.

-Girls! You exclaimed happily when you saw Melanie and Zoe, they ran towards you and you three embraced.

-Come on, let's introduce you to our other friends! Melanie said, taking you by the hand and leading you to one of the tables.

You also met Corey and she was really nice, much better than the centaur you didn't even remember the name of and who to redeem himself, would have to take the cake to the party that day.

You could see that she liked Laurel. Meanwhile, Laurel sent several messages to Colt, but he didn't respond.

-Mom, when will the cake arrive? Barley asked her.

-In a little while, honey! She answered and kissed him on the cheek.

-What's up? Any idea when he will arrive? Corey asked her.

-Honestly no. He doesn't answer my messages! She complained.

-I can ask the cooks to make a cake! She suggested.

-No Corey, don't worry, you've already done a lot. Let's wait a little longer! Laurel thanked, but politely declined.

It took a little longer and none of him, so they had the idea to make an improvised cake with cupcakes.

Until he arrived, with the 3-story cake in his hands.

-Ugh finally! Barley said.

-For what is all this delay? You should have come here an hour ago! Laurel scolded him.

-I'm sorry baby, is that my cell phone ... He tried to explain himself again, but she interrupted him.

-Leave the excuses for later, what matters now is Barley's cake! She replied, with no time for apology. -Can you borrow your cell phone to me to take pictures? My battery died! She asked.

He gave her his cell phone and set the cake on the table. You touched your index finger on each of the candles, lighting them with magic, what fascinated everyone.

Laurel put it on the camera and when she went to take the pictures, she saw that Colt received a message from someone named Piper.

"I can't stop thinking about you since this afternoon".

At that moment, she lost the ground and all she wanted to do was lie down and cry for a long time, but she didn't lose her composure so as not to spoil her son's party.

What I've been looking for (all of my life) - Ian Lightfoot x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt