Part 23

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While Six Echo was in captivity Rumlow was always by her side. He made sure she was fed first and had enough water. When missions went well he was able to get her some swim time in a pond or creek. Never in a large body of water. He wasn't sure if an instinct would kick in and she would leave. No one on the team spoke to Six Echo unless it was to pass some information or hand her a weapon or tool. Rollins had not been selected to be on the team since he was too rough with her. She had retaliated violently when he provoked her like he usually did. It was a routine task to move her from room to room for recovery back at the base. Rollins couldn't help himself and pushed a door into her, striking her on the head. In less than a second she had grabbed his wrist, twisted his arm behind his back and slammed his face into the very same door. She continued to twist his arm until he was screaming and there was an audible pop as she broke his arm. She threw him on the floor where he lay panting and whimpering, his arm at an unnatural angle, as she stood above him with a look of feral rage in her eyes. She started to stomp on his back and kick him in the ribs, loud grunts escaping her mouth at the exertion. Rumlow had come quickly behind her and tasered her until she passed out. After that incident she was fitted with a small metallic disc that was a remote taser. Rumlow didn't think it was necessary since no one else bothered her the way Rollins did, but he didn't say anything. It wasn't his place to question the doctors.

Some nights they had to stay at a covert safe house. It would be Rumlow, Six Echo, and maybe four other men along. He always slept in the same room with her and had made an emotional attachment. It wasn't in a romantic way, but more of a taking in a stray dog kind of way. On one particularly cold and rainy night, Six Echo didn't want to sleep on the floor. All she had to sleep in was a t-shirt and her combat pants, but she had taken those off to let them dry. She didn't have a spare like Rumlow and the others. The bed in the room was a queen so there was more than enough room for her to share the bed with Brock. He was already asleep on top of the covers with his clothes still on. This mission had been fairly easy, but a lot of walking and hiking to get back to their safe house. He was worn out. He was laying on his side, his back facing the edge of the bed, his sleeping breaths steady. Six Echo peeked up from her spot on the floor. She was colder than usual and sought out his body heat. She crept onto the bed and almost in slow motion turned her body so her back was close to his chest. She inched her way, minute by minute until in his sleep, Brock put an arm around her and she snuggled into his chest. His body heat spread across her back and in a few minutes her breathing was steady and her body no longer shivering. She grasped his hand just to feel the extra warmth. When she did a memory sparked in her brain. She remembered another male, a black t-shirt, and incredible warmth. She remembered waking up entangled in his arms and a blanket. Her heart was racing, but she was already snuggled securely against Brock's warm body. She would have to figure this out later. She closed her eyes tightly and willed herself to sleep.

Brock had slept comfortably during the night and as consciousness was creeping on his brain, he registered something else. Or someone else. His eyes popped open and he realized Six Echo was in his arms, her back snuggled against his chest. His heart skipped a beat at his sudden predicament. He felt something else, too. He had a warm feeling in his chest, something of affection for her. His guilt had steadily been growing inside him like an unwanted parasite. He glanced down at her slender body, her peaceful face, dotted with blue freckles. He carefully ran a thumb over her cheek and let out a sigh. What was he doing? She shouldn't be here and he shouldn't be feeling this way towards her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her awake. "Hey, wake up. Wake up."

Her eyes popped open and it took a split second for her to remember how she had fallen asleep. She sprung out of the bed so fast and stood on the side, her chest heaving. Brock quickly sat up with a bewildered look on his stubbled face. "Why were you in the bed last night?" he asked in rough whisper.

She looked at him and told him the truth. "I was cold last night. I needed warmth."

He got up from the bed and walked to stand in front of her. His chest was inches from her face and she could feel his breath on her face. He raised a hand to her cheek and tilted her head to look into her eyes. "Next time just grab a blanket. You can't be seen doing that." He dropped his hand and turned away, leaving her with an empty feeling. "Get dressed. We leave in five," he said as he left the room and closed the door.  

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