Part 16

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The next morning Bucky was training Ro on knife fighting. She was most comfortable fighting in close quarters and with her small size and quick reflexes, the knife was a perfect weapon for her. They were interrupted when Natasha came bursting through the gym doors. "Guys, we have a problem," she said with a stern voice. "Secretary of Defense Alexander Pierce has requested that custody of Ro Six Echo be handed over to the United States Navy immediately."

Bucky and Ro just looked at Natasha, not understanding. "What?! He can't do that!" Bucky said immediately. "It's not my call, Barnes. Apparently, they consider her property of the US Navy and they want her back."

"Is there anything we can do? She's not property. She's a person!" Bucky said while clenching his fists.

"What about Director Coulson, or Fury? Can't they do anything?" he asked.

"I don't know. I just know Secretary Pierce and General Ross sent a memo and they are sending security forces here within the hour."

"Where's Steve?" Bucky asked as he grabbed Ro's hand and practically ran down the hallway, dragging her behind him.

They found a conference room and Steve and Bucky were arguing. There were large hand gestures, crossed arms, and pointed fingers. Ro didn't know what they were talking about. She just knew she didn't want to be anywhere else but here. Directors Fury and Coulson came to the conference room and the rest of the team was gathered also. Ro sat between Natasha and Bucky while he held her hand, trying to keep himself calm.

"I know this isn't what we want, but the United States government has claim to Ro Six Echo. She was created in their labs and was part of a Department of Defense contract so she is still technically their property." He raised his hands in protest saying, "I know she is a sentient being and should not be considered property, but it is what it is until we can get our legal team to decipher the memo. They also have requested all the hard drives that were recovered. Director Coulson, do you have anything to add?"

"I know this isn't what we want right now, but we need to remember our chain of command and our responsibility to the American public, and the world in general. If we don't hand over Ms. Echo then we send a precedence to the rest of the world. Enhanced individuals are still people with rights, but also have to follow the rule of law. Our legal team is going to work on this to make sure she has rights and is treated fairly."

Bucky slammed his fist on the table and said, "She's already not being treated fairly! Have you even asked her if she wants to go back to the NAVY?! It's against her will and if I remember correctly that's called kidnapping!"

"Because she is a genetic clone her personhood and self-will is in question, I'm sorry to say," Director Coulson said.

Ro just looked down at her lap, her fingers entwined with Bucky's flesh hand. She wanted to remember this feeling of being so close to him. She knew the General and Secretary would have their way.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do right now. I'm sure she will be fine and it won't take us long to get her back," Fury stated. "You all are dismissed. And Barnes? Stay away from the task force when they come to get her."

The team stayed in the conference room after the directors left. Sam just sat at the table while Tony, Steve, Bucky, Bruce, and Natasha all discussed what they should do.

"She can't run. Where would she go?"

"We can't hide her. They would find us first."

"They'll keep sending more men to get her."

"I'm sure there had to be a special case like this already with SHIELD. With all the Inhumans we have working for us, she shouldn't be any different."

Ro, having heard enough, stood up and everyone looked at her. "It's ok. I will go. I am not like you. I wasn't born, I was trained. It's all I know. I will go." She walked out of the conference room with Bucky following after her. 

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