{𝕿𝖜𝖔} Ten Thousand

Start from the beginning

"I'm not trying to drown you out, Blurryface. I wouldn't do that to you." Tyler replied softly under his breath.

"I was thinking you forgot about me. We haven't spoken in a while." Blurry said.

"Yeah, I've been busy painting the town red." Tyler chuckled. "And I mean with paint not blood." He added.

"Nice. Your mom is going to kill you." Tyler could hear Blurry's chuckles, and it mixed with Tyler's.

Tyler began to pack his duffel bag with his equipment. "Well, she's caught me before, and I'm still here-"

"Hey!" A intimidating voice shouted, but this time it wasn't in his head. Tyler turned to the mysterious caller.

Before Tyler knew it, a man in a blue uniform began to charge after him.

"Time to go!" Blurry's voice flowed through Tyler's mind and Tyler swiftly grabbed his duffel bag and dashed off into the dark.

He was smart in wearing all black, making him able to be like a ninja and hide in dark corners.

He skipped across the pavement, his floral vans skidding along. He could still hear the thud of the officer's boots but they were slightly fading, making him feel accomplished with himself.

His heart was racing with adrenaline as he jumped up on top of a large garbage can, then hopped over a fence.

He turned around seeing the cop holding onto the fence, and Tyler began to slow his pace.

He began to laugh. "Hell yeah!" He cheered, holding out his middle finger to the angry cop behind him.

He turned around and was met with a cop car and an officer with a smirk on his face.

"Gotcha." He teased, and he grabbed Tyler's arm.

"Can't wait to watch you get out of this one." Blurry laughed.

"Shut up." Tyler growled as the officer forced him into the back seat.


"Are you serious, son!?" Chris pounded his palm onto the steering wheel. "Do you know how much you worried your mother? You worried me? First, you don't call that you're going to be out for later than the curfew, and then we get a call from the police involving you! And that's not even all, we had to pay ten thousand dollars, Tyler! Ten thousand to get your ungrateful ass out of jail. Do you get that?" His father burst into anger. It was so bad that he had to pull over and collect himself.

Tyler's eyes never left the window. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.


"I'm sorry!" Tyler said a bit louder now turning his head, but not meeting eye contact.

"You're sorry? Are you really? Because you were sorry the last time you did it too." His father's eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were filled with disappointment and rage.

"No, I'm not sorry for what I did. I enjoyed it. I'm sorry for getting caught." Tyler snapped at him. His father stared at him for so long it made Tyler uncomfortable.

"You know what you should be sorry for? Your mother is home right now crying, because you promised her you wouldn't do this again, yet you did. Now because of you I have to work my ass off to make up the money I had to spend to get you out of this shit. And worst of all you don't even seem to feel bad about it." Chris calmly rebuked, making Tyler think about what happened.

He didn't mean to make his mother cry. He never means to. And he never thought his father would have to work so much to pay off something he caused.

"You should use his words against him. That'll shut him up. Always does." Blurry's whispers ran through the back of Tyler's mind.

A small smile curved up Tyler's lips. "What did you say when I was little? You start over every day?" Tyler shrugged and pointed to the car's clock carelessly. "Would you look'e there. It's almost twelve AM."

His father stared at him for a moment until his face fell into a frown and his eyebrows softened. Chris hesitated before turning the car back on and driving back onto the road.

Tyler silently cheered his victory, while blurry laughed.

"He deserved that. It was his words. His fault." Blurry laughed.

Tyler rolled his eyes, and stared out the window the whole silent ride home.

Chris pulled into the small driveway and parked in the garage. Tyler began to get out but his dad stopped him: "Tyler."

"Yeah?" He sighed.

"You messed up. I suggest you fix it yourself, because I'm done helping you." He said calmly as he got out of the car and shut his door. He looked through the rolled down window at a puzzled look on Tyler's face. "I also suggest you get a job. You have ten thousand dollars to pay me." His father patted the window's rim before walking himself inside.

Tyler sat there staring at the dashboard for a moment, trying to think things through. The garage door closed behind the car, leaving Tyler in pitch blackness.

"I have to get a job..." Tyler repeated astonished of what just happened. He never expected that.

He could hear Blurry's hard laughs in his ears. "Good luck getting out of this one, pal!"

Writers note - Yeah. I'm not proud of myself either.
                                - Tyler Joseph


Second chapter. I think it's my favorite only because I like writing confrontation heheh

Yeah, Blurryface is in this book!

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